Just arrived to planet surface

Angel O2 Mercer

New Member

I'm on Planet Toulan. First I started killing the level 0 bugs arround the first TP (and the only one), no loot from them all. And by loot I mean that the "no loot..." yellow message didn't display either.

Then I crashed twice in a row and now I can't log in. Says "No available servers found"...



New Member
btw, near the citadel i noticed that it had a no vehicle msg as I fly out. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not.


Beladcom Official
The only zone that allows vehicles is around the Citadel (landing zone), some No fly zone signs can be found misplaced on the planet.
Fixing this for the patch.

Thanks Berentain.


New Member
The only zone that allows vehicles is around the Citadel (landing zone), some No fly zone signs can be found misplaced on the planet.
Fixing this for the patch.

Thanks Berentain.

I also just arrived, same problems as O2. Waiting for the servers to come back on-line.

From what I saw so far it looks pretty nice design wise. I'm sure the no-loot thingy will be solved too ;)

So we need to go back to the citadel to fly up back to space?
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