HSSC/FSSI Reminder "Acting entitled will get you no where"

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Ok this has only happened a few times but I think I need to address it as the title says... Acting entitled will get you no where at my events will get you no where, now tonight's HSSC was quiet I waited half hour no one came Soul said he was giving a CUHOF key to anyone who could find him. On the spot I had an idea for an event one involving a contest and the prize gun 50ped ammo and a hunt with me (Which I will be announcing soon and it's will be open till round the new year where the event will end and the hunt will take place...) I was gone 10mins and someone came got but hurt I wasn't there told me so then when I explained why I wasn't there continued to be entitled then stormed off. Now I have had all types of entitled behaviour at my events most of it a misunderstanding some of it just well I don't want to use terms like "being an ass" but for lack of a better description... now 99% of people come to my events to enjoy them selves catch up with friends, hang out with me, and just have fun and this is what I envisioned when I started these events now my event hasn't been without drama like when my pc broke and I was away for like what? 3 weeks? And I came back and I was getting called a scammer... really?... I mean there isn't much drama at my event but if the select few want to carry on I'll have to think about things like bans from the hunting event's and I do not want things to go that far same goes for NI though I had fewer problems there and NI has a bigger player base... So stop getting butt hurt enjoy the free event and please be nice to me and everyone else... And have patience I'm a free to play player funding 7 hunting events with free to play methods and donations and in 6 months with some damn hard work I've got the funding for 7 hunting events and I'm going to make it 8 by hopefully end of this month... Bottom line stop being and acting entitled and just enjoy what I'm doing for you... :D


Virtualsense Official
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Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
I'm going to close this thread because these kinds of things should be handled one-on-one with those you feel are behaving poorly in your opinion as it relates to your events, and not bring it to the forum to invite the entire community to judge based on a one-sided account. This is not to say you aren't having issues with other players, this is to say this doesn't belong at our forum.

Thank You
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