Hello. How to born in Toulan?
i already crete an account at "
https://account.entropiauniverse.com/new-account/?pid=12&ccode=toulan "
and verified email
Now i need the link to login the game and start on Planet Toulan , please
In order to guarantee that you are indeed a Toulan Born avatar, it's best to go to the following link:
Creating a Monria and/or Toulan Born Avatar
Follow the instructions exactly as you see them listed below the Virtualsense Website link.
I don't know what site you signed up at, so not easy to direct you otherwise. There is a glitch with cookies and if you sign up other than from our website following the instructions as listed, there's no guarantee you will be Toulan Born.
You may not know for sure if you are Toulan Born right now since you said you signed up, but the only way to know that is to log into the game using the email you signed up with.
Go to that link you gave in your post and sign in using your email and password, if you haven't created your avatar yet you will end up in the avatar creation room. Once you exit the avatar creation room, if you end up in the Toulan start room, then you are Toulan Born, but if you end up at Thule on Calypso, you are not Toulan Born.
If that's the case, then you can always create a new Toulan Born avatar using the instructions I linked you too, but then you would have to submit a support ticket and ask MA to delete the first avatar if it's not Toulan Born.
I hope that wasn't too confusing, but let me know if you need any further help.