Hi everyone!


New Member
I'm Esege, a new Avatar that was Toulan born by accident but I'm enjoying the planet so far.
In these two days of game I mostly did hunting and sweating, some minor crafting and nothing else.
I'm new to EU so I'm trying to understand all I can about it.

Hope to meet you soon in game!

Eleni Von Estlla

Well-Known Member
Volunteer Mentor
Yamato Pilot
VCAT Team Member
Toulan Historian
Hey Esege, and welcome to Toulan :)

Missions, hunting and sweating are the most natural ways to get started.
Best way to learn the game, is to seek for a mentor.
A Mentor is a player, who volonteers and take time to teach new players the game.

I have taken two new players on board couple days ago, but one seems inactive, so that would leave me with a free slot, if that picks your interest.
The most important thing is that, you will need to match your mentor's timezone, to ensure being taken care of, properly.

Ill leave you my presentation HERE , and if our timezones match, and you feel like i may be of help, you are more than welcome to my teachings.

Welcome to Planet Toulan, and hope you enjoy it as much as we do :)



New Member
Hi! Thanks for your kind and inspiring answer! I don't like to encumber other people with my presence and although I may very well need some help at this stage I prefer the occasional kindness of the passerby than the constant teachings of an experienced player.

Not because I have any kind of mistrust towards formal teaching in general but simply because knowing myself I am certain that I would feel as bad for asking things, thinking they're too many, as not being active enough on the game.

I read your profile tho, and you look like a very wholesome player and I am sure that all of those who are lucky enough to be taught by you will be truly enriched.

I'll definitely see you in game, thanks again, and have a nice night. :)


Virtualsense Staff
Staff member
Official Moon Shopper
Virtualsense Media Team
Hey Esege Welcome to Toulan :)

There is a wealth of information for beginners on the website and most of the people you will meet on Toulan are very kind and helpful.
I feel you have accidently landed on one of the best places in Entropia to start :) But then I am a little Biased :p

If you're stuck just put a post on the forum and you should get an answer pretty quickly as you've already found out.
Eleni is one of the most knowledgeable Toulan players she's been here longer than most of us :) .
But you will find a lot of people ready to help, some old some new. It's a great Community.

Good luck
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