Did I do this correctly? Also, I read somewhere to NOT take off my shirt - is this true?
Are you Monrian Born or Toulan Born?
If so, you can do the Where's My Pants mission on Toulan to get the pants for either one. If you are Monrian Born and take your shirt off before you get your pants, you won't be able to put it back on again over the junpsuit and will be pantsless until you do the mission on Toulan to get your pants.
However, if you are Toulan Born, don't put your Toulan Born shirt on when seeing Bilal at the Citadel until after you do the mission from Nadira at Guardian Village and get your pants.
There is a glitch for the Toulan Born, and if you put the shirt on before doing the mission to get the pants, you won't be able to get them. This will be fixed with the Sep VU release.
BTW ... welcome to Monria and the forum.