Harvestable Trees

Tedros Daemonos

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VS Media Team
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VCAT Team Member
In chat, a day or 2 ago, there was conversation about cuttable/harvestable trees in DSEC9. There are a few at Lotus area and a bit more in main DSEC9 area (a good portion with mobs present) and none in MoM area. More trees are needed somewhere!

I suggest to make a hyper-super-extremely dense area of harvestable trees in the Mountain of Madness portion of the map. In keeping with the overall theme of the area call it something like "Haunted Forest" or similar, with "Keep Out" or "Danger" signs, etc with trees matching the existing design or similar and maybe even an ominous aura/atmosphere when entering the area. Perhaps even include a mission for tree cutting for the brave few that dare to enter!

Another thought is to have a randomly appearing, single spawn of something to harass anyone who attempts to remove the trees from their forest (not too often nor super high level, as to not make it too difficult to cut some trees)!

Or possibly can remove all the annoying low level Zokaraneus mixed in with higher level Zokaraneus spawns throughout the outside of mountain area (<---this may need it's own suggestion thread...lol) and move them to the forest.

As retold by one of the village elders known as the "Old Man" at an evening gathering around the fountain of angels: "The legend of the Ancient Haunted Forest and the dangers that lie within is as old as this village has been around. Some say as old as time itself. Many try to suggest it is just a story to keep the young inline or to keep Resource Gatherer's away, but I am here to tell you there is truth and even some wisdom to the tale."

Many of the village residents, thinking the Old Man has had too much of his "shroom tea" again, left to carry on with their tasks for the evening. However, the few that remained were enamored by his message of warning and continued to listen to his rantings. "The earliest recollections are from the time we discovered an evil in our midst. Beings known as Decca and her Cultist minions tormenting our village, as well as with Cthylla in residence at the Pyramid inside the mountain. There are tellings of this great Pyramid deep in the caverns of the mountain past the massive entrance doors.

It is said an evil persists and the Pyramid is a tool for the focusing of energy that allows for Cthylla to enter our world. Decca's army of Cultists from the Cult of Shut'thend stands guard on either side of the entrance to the Pyramid, attempting to prevent any who bring the "Cthylla Bone" to the Pyramid altar from entering.

Decca's powers are persistent and extend past the mountains, which is threatening to our Larches Green Village as well! It is said that these same creatures now inhabit our once fruitful forest..."

to be continued?

More trees please :)
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