Hallys new list of stuff to improve (open for all)


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Here ill post stuff i find that needs a checking, some might work as intended and its just me that got it wrong, please read everything as a wanting to improve things, not a rant.

G5 gun says in the text its BLP, and needs BLP skills, yet it only takes laser amps, and not blp

Khaffash Mohajem are clearly Khaffash, but counts only on quwa missions, not the daily, also they seems to drop a lot of tier 1 and very rarely tier5, theyre lvl 46-52

Almost all armor pieces dropping are in the very low tier lvl range of 200/4000 in hundreds of pieces looted ive seen maybe 2-3 pieces with over 200 tier lvls

quite a few ores and hides/skins has really high weight, and some gets crazy high weight when they refine.

very often when exiting FNF events and go to the main room i crash, this might be a local problem, but others have said the same.

Thers still quite a few items that dosnt have a use, and thers no BP (yet ?) for waheesh

Quaffaz dosnt have a daily mission, and no qawa mission either

more to come
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Virtualsense Staff
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Hi Hally have you tested the Khaffash Mohajem since the September release?
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