Going to be out of commission for a bit ...


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Hello community ...

Leaving a message that my apartment got flooded last night, and it was quite the traumatic experience. This was the first time in 21 yrs that I've lived in this complex that flooding occurred. Definitely not expected given the details of everything.

It happened later in the evening and was a steady water level rise. I had to call 911 rescue, and that's when the traumatic experience began. I'll spare you the details, but I DID get to ride in an airboat part of the way to meeting up with my brother.

The water level was a bit above my knees before it started to recede after the rescue team got there. My stuff was floating, heavy stuff, including my stereo/TV setup that was moving away from the wall.

I'm sure my computer was damaged because of where it was sitting, but I couldn't go check it. The water created pockets under the carpeting and if you walked it would create waves.

A total assessment of everything will need to be done and my brother will handle that.

In the meantime, I'm at my brother's home about 30-40 minutes away given traffic. Not sure what I'm going to do at this point, but suffice it to say, that I won't be in the game anytime too soon.

While I'm not about, ShadowDragonV and Tedros Daemonos will assist the community as much as possible. They both are a great help, and it's appreciated.

I'll keep you updated as things progress.


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Thanks guys, there's a lot to be done beginning with my brother and best friend going to my apt this afternoon and doing an assessment of everything. I also have no doubt that I will have to rebuild my computer operation, so fun times ... not to mention finding a new place to live ... not sure moving into the other apt now is a good idea.

I was actually in shock when it all happened because I lived in that gated community for 21 yrs and this never happened before.

The water got to just above knee level prettty fast before it started to recede, and it was difficult to walk on the carpet because the water created pockets underneath and when I tried to walk it created waves. I just sat still until the 911 rescue team got there.

I'll check back in when I can, but for now I'm trying to take care of VS business and the community as best I can with the help of Shadow and Tedros.

Catch up soon.


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Quick update ... staying in my previous apt complex wasn't an option because I don't do 2nd floors, and all 1st floor apts were flooded, so they have to renovate them all.

After 21 yrs in that community the lease was broken with no fees assessed (there was only Oct left on the lease), and we are parting ways.

GOOD news is, I got the apt I wanted in a new community just 15 mins from my brother. Move-in is next Sat, Oct 12th, but there's still a lot to do between now and then.

I am basically starting over because of flood damage, so that's either going to be stressful, or fun ... my brain and emotions have to settle down first before I can truly exhale.

The new apt has a patio with a garden view in an area that's private, so I'm sure I will make good use of it.

I still don't have computer access yet, so it's been incredibly frustrating to try to do everything on my phone. After moving in and finally getting my computer operations up and running, I'll basically be a mad woman trying to catch up, but I'll love every minute of it.

I'll update again when I can.

Hug your computers and tell them you appreciate them.


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Update ...
  • Old apt is now cleared
  • After 21 yrs in that gated community with no flooding whatsoever, we are parting ways
  • Anything that touched the floor had to be trashed, but the flood water rose high enough to affect other things
  • I have a disaster relief application in with FEMA, now I wait
  • I should be moving into my new apt that is further north and 15 mins from my brother on Saturday
  • Still sorting out what is needed and what has to be replaced
  • Do not have computer access yet ... we'll be testing out my computer tonight to see if it survived (had to dry out) ... I'm hoping for a miracle, but if not, then it will have to be replaced ... monitor, keyboard and mouse made it ok
If not before, I should be operational by the first part of next week. However, I neglected to mention that hurricane Milton is crossing the Gulf of Mexico and heading directly for Florida ... we are special.

It's expected to be a Category 3 before making landfall on Wednesday just a bit south of where I used to live. The whole state will experience this one in some capacity because the track is right across central Florida and into the Atlantic Ocean, unless it changes track.

We WERE warned that this would be the busiest hurricane season we've had so far, and we have until Nov 30th before the season ends.

Still lots for me to do and I'll update again when I can.

Right now, we're getting things prepared for this next hurricane and making sure we have what is needed for the generator in case we lose power.

Fun times these are.

I want to thank ShadowDragonV and Tedros again for taking care of things where needed. I'm in contact with them every day to see if there's anything that THEY need, and they keep me updated.

To anyone else in the path of this new hurricane, stay safe.

I miss the community and my VS work, but doing the best I can via phone. I've never recharged my phone so much before ... LOL

Until I'm back in the saddle again, take care of each other. 💜


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Update ...
  • Move is delayed until after this new hurricane Milton passes
  • Got that message from the new apt property yesterday
  • This could be a devastating storm system because it's heading directly to the Tampa Bay proper
  • My brother's home is about 40 mins north but we're still in a vulnerable location
  • It's expected to make landfall later in the day on Wednesday, so the next few days will be interesting
  • Practically all of Florida is under a state of emergency status
  • Storm surge in the bay is expected to be 10-15 feet ... that's not survivable and a massive evacuation has been underway
I'll update again when there's more news.

Kain Dewey Fall

VCAT Team Member
I totally thought you lived in either Sweden or United Kingdom. I have no idea you were a USA citizen living in Florida.
It is great that you are well and were able to be rescued. I think you should go on a 1 week vacation or something, not in florida, tomorrow. :D Especially with that other Hurricane coming in, that thing looks absolutely awful.
But 21 years! That is a long time, I can hardly believe it.
There is a Ole Legend about the Original White House having been victim to a 250-300 some-odd years weather cycling hurricane that runs through that coast up there. (THought then again, I think the original story in the we get 1 goes that the UK said they would take fault because Congress knew that the citizen masses wouldn't believe the destruction of the whitehouse was a act of God if they knew it was a storm that destroyed it and not a human army) Especially with Astrology being magic/the devil and Weather reading being a priviledge to a very select view advanced astrologist who have advanced to ship captains.
90% of the population didn't even know what the word Weather was, even with Sunlight, Wind, and Rain. They created religious interpretations based on relations of God and accusations of the human perspective.

Same with the Tea from Boston Tea party being dumped running through the Arkansas River of which is part of the many rewritten and reinterpretation of the representations by American History and the U.S.A Government by State in recognition of the provinces in municipality or whatever else. Some Hoax Folklore legends stories, just like our system. Also the last known location of some extinct trees or something. Everybody gets 1.

But Stay Safe!


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Leaving a marker that our power just went out at 8:17pm east coast US Wednesday night.


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Quick update ...

Power went off at 8:17pm last night and the storm and winds/rain were too tough to get the generator from the shed to get it going. Also too risky because of flying debris.

I had fun trying to get out of the recliner because I had the foot rest up when the power went out.

I fell asleep on the sofa because my brother left the lanai door open for the cool air to come in. I just woke up now to discover that the water is off. WiFi wasn't available until now somehow, and the power is still off.

At one point it got rather scary with debris flying all over and hitting the house.

I'm going to conserve my phone power until my brother can get the generator going later.

I'll check in again when I can.

Oh, and ... hurricane season isn't over until Nov 30th. ☹


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Quick update ... power through power company still out, but brother got the generator working, so we're all trying to act normal.

This will be the 2nd Toulan event I'll be missing, but this month it's early because of our Monria Halloween event on Oct 26th. I'll have the event thread up as soon as I can ... probably next week some time.

The move was delayed because of this 2nd hurricane, and we're still waiting for the rest of my new things to be delivered to my brother's house.

I still don't have computer access yet because my brother hasn't had time to look into mine to see if it will function ... we've all been busy with this hurricane business. The neighbor's shed ended up in my brother's back yard.

I am quite anxious to move into my new place and get back to work. I love what I get to do, I love the community, I love the VS Team, and this forced 2 week plus vacation sucks. I don't do vacations, I just take a day when I need to.

Big time thank you to ShadowDragonV and Tedros for taking care of things in my absense ... and for Dea being about to chat at 4am when I got WiFi back. Dea is in the same time zone as me, and Ted is an hour behind me. Shadow is 6 hrs ahead of me, so she covers a period of time with EU that I'm not about. I'll bet some of you will be glad when the MFM is back for the warp schedules. 😁

I'll give another update when I can.
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