Copying my post from Caly as just found this one and adding a bit more to this one

Ran a few tests on Caly and Toulan.
Similar results but no way did I get 110%, not sure how you are doing it but I want your secret.
Thing I noticed was that every time I got WW was because I got a min global for ep1 from 0.15 PED - 1.15 PED which is so small it does not register.
Only difference is that on Toulan I got WW bps from the mini globals where on caly I got shrapnel.
So I am not seeing WW BP drop unless you get a mini global.
I also had other BPs drop on Toulan as well so its not only WW but WW does drop on mini globals so makes sense why you get so much of that BP.
My profits on my 5 tests runs on each planet where no more then 3-5%
I don't see this as a bug and to be honest its a waste of time and energy for 5 PED.
In 20 minutes on Arkadia you can get 2 ped from running the dailies. In 1 hour I can get 50 Nawa fragments from here which have an insane MU of 2500%.
There are tons of ways I can make lots of peds on Toulan without having to spend 10 hours doing nothing but watching a screen but they are all time consuming like waiting for nawa fragments to drop.
Same goes with most of the planets.
Crafting EP1's IMO you barley make anything and you get WW bp which are now starting to have a MU of less then 105% and probably soon 100.1% TT fodder.
I would rather the focus be on fixing the horrible drop rate of mob specific materials to make the market a bit more friendly for crafters.
I left the planet because of this issue, and honestly a 5 ped craft reward or 10 ped reward for you for 10 hours of doing nothing is not worth my time or the energy it costs my pc to run.