Community Initiatives Program

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Virtualsense Official
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Anhithe and I created a Community Initiatives Program (CIP) to get Monria participants involved in our ongoing efforts to make Monria a better experience. Several CIP teams were developed at the beginning of our taking over the Moon, and while we made great strides, we learned as we evolved what worked and what didn't work. We continued to revisit ideas until we got it right. We are very proud of our volunteer community members who help to manage and support our programs. We are truly blessed with an amazing community.

Now that we have added Planet Toulan to our Virtualsense family, we created a Toulan Born Program for Toulan's new players as well.

The current (CIP) programs in place are:

It is our goal to engage both the Monria and Toulan communities in activities where they will become the beneficiaries of their own efforts, including contributions and decision making in partnership with the Virtualsense Development Team toward the future success of both locations, as well as elevating the fun factor.

We also want to get feedback from the community, so we set up a Suggestions/Feed section for all 3 of our locations:

Suggestions / Feedback --
Monria / DSEC9 / Toulan

Over the years, we have implemented quite a few community suggestions and requests, so we definitely pay attention to what you post in this area and assess what is viable and what would work.

We want to deliver the best experience possible, so we will always look for ways to improve what we do for the community.


Virtualsense Official
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Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
Now that we have Planet Toulan as part of our Virtualsense family, I did an edit on the first post to reflect changes, and updated links.
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