All of my 300 blueprints incl. all books and Expl. BP I (0.94) and II (0.98)

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New Member

Selling all of my 300 blueprints I collected over the years, including all books :

This is what is left (29.01.2018)

Sorted by value, 300 Blueprints are now left.
All books included. Added todays auction prices
to the 1st 15 blueprints.

Bulk Sale Only

Trading for 5 AUDS (480 PED)
or 6 Compet Deeds (480 PED).

Dont have deeds ?
I accept 450 PED from now on.


1. Explosive Projectiles Blueprint II 0.98 PED Component (Vol. I) (184) TT+49
2. Explosive Projectiles Blueprint I 0.94 PED Component (Vol. I) (184) TT+30
3. Basic Servo Blueprint 0.55 PED Component (Vol. I) (184) TT+15
4. Basic Screws Blueprint 0.51 PED Component (Vol. I) (184) TT+15
5. Guardian Gloves Blueprint 0.47 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14) TT+15
6. Basic Filters Blueprint 0.46 PED Component (Vol. I) (184) TT+10
7. Galaxy SI Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.37 PED Component (Vol. II) TT+10
8. Jester D-1 Blueprint 0.32 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513) TT+20
9. Welding Wire Blueprint (L) 0.31 PED CARRIED TT+2
10. Metal Plating Blueprint 0.30 PED Component (Vol. II) (185) TT+15
11. Basic Wires Blueprint 0.26 PED Component (Vol. I) (184) TT+10
12. Basic Sensor Blueprint 0.24 PED Component (Vol. I) (184) TT+5
13. Standard Damper Blueprint 0.24 PED Component (Vol. I) (184) TT+5
14. GEC Spur Gears 1K Blueprint 0.23 PED Component (Vol. II) (185) TT+15
15. Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint Adjusted (L) 0.22 PED TT+2

Worth a rough TT+200 until here already
285 BP left. Even sold at TT+1 this would make more then 450 PED.

16. Welding Wire Blueprint (L) 0.22 PED Small Storage Box (C) (435)
17. Welding Wire Blueprint (L) 0.22 PED CARRIED
18. Shriek Basic Blueprint 0.21 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
19. Basic Relay Blueprint 0.20 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
20. Standard Matrix Blueprint Modified (L) 0.20 PED Small Storage Box (C) (435)
21. Metal Mountings Blueprint 0.17 PED Component (Vol. II) (185)
22. Resource Extractor RE-101 Blueprint 0.17 PED Tools (Vol. I) (485)
23. Standard Transparency Layer Blueprint 0.17 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
24. E-Amp 12 Blueprint 0.16 PED Attachments (Vol. I) (18)
25. Pall Stool (C) Blueprint 0.16 PED Furniture (Vol. I) (261)
26. Settler Shin Guards Blueprint 0.16 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
27. Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint 0.15 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
28. Basic Tube Blueprint 0.15 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
29. Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.14 PED Component (Vol. II) (185)
30. Basic Pump Blueprint 0.13 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
31. Mann MPH DLx Blueprint 0.13 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
32. Standard Matrix Blueprint 0.13 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
33. Denim Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.12 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
34. EMT Kit Ek-1000 Blueprint 0.12 PED Tools (Vol. I) (485)
35. Pioneer Shin Guards Blueprint 0.12 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
36. Basic Pattern Pants (C) Blueprint 0.10 PED Tailoring (Vol. I) (474)
37. Guardian Harness Blueprint 0.10 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
38. LifeScanner-I Blueprint 0.10 PED Tools (Vol. I) (485)
39. Super Alloy Plating Blueprint 0.09 PED Component (Vol. II) (185)
40. Valiant Harness Blueprint 0.09 PED Armor (Vol. II) (15)
41. Jashonich AP Blueprint 0.08 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
42. NeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L) Blueprint (L) 0.08 PED CARRIED
43. Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.07 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
44. Finder F-101 Blueprint 0.07 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
45. Killian Sword G2 Blueprint 0.07 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
46. Pioneer Gloves Blueprint 0.07 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
47. Standard Rod Blueprint 0.07 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
48. Basic Engine Blueprint 0.06 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
49. Killian Longsword Blueprint 0.06 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
50. Maddox I Blueprint 0.06 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
51. Standard Holo Module Blueprint 0.06 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
52. Work Pattern Pants (C) Blueprint 0.06 PED Tailoring (Vol. II) (475)
53. Basic Pattern Shirt (C) Blueprint 0.05 PED Tailoring (Vol. I) (474)
54. Explorer Shin Guards Blueprint 0.05 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
55. Renegade Harness Blueprint 0.05 PED Armor (Vol. II) (15)
56. Resource Extractor RE-101 Blueprint 0.05 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
57. Standard Core Blueprint 0.05 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
58. Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint 0.05 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
59. Basic Processor Blueprint 0.04 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
60. Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint 0.04 PED Attachments (Vol. I) (18)
61. E-Amp 13 Blueprint 0.04 PED Attachments (Vol. I) (18)
62. Finder F-101 Blueprint 0.04 PED Tools (Vol. I) (485)
63. Jashonich MP Blueprint 0.04 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
64. Settler Arm Guards Blueprint 0.04 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
65. Settler Harness Blueprint 0.04 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
66. Standard Feedback Panel Blueprint 0.04 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
67. Standard Plate Blueprint 0.04 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
68. Standard VisioMem Blueprint 0.04 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
69. Basic Nuts Blueprint 0.03 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
70. Killian Sword Blueprint 0.03 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
71. Light Power Cell Blueprint 0.03 PED Small Storage Box (C) (435)
72. Reinforced Rod Blueprint 0.03 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
73. Samurai Face Guard Blueprint 0.03 PED Armor (Vol. II) (15)
74. Settler Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.03 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
75. Standard Valve Blueprint 0.03 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
76. Basic Structure Blueprint 0.02 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
77. BodyGuard Gloves Blueprint 0.02 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
78. Creative Juice Blueprint 0.02 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
79. Elkarr Precision Scope Blueprint 0.02 PED Attachments (Vol. I) (18)
80. Mann MPH Blueprint 0.02 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
81. Resource Extractor RE-102 Blueprint 0.02 PED Tools (Vol. I) (485)
82. Standard Compressor Blueprint 0.02 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
83. Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
84. Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
85. Basic Bearings Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
86. Basic Bearings Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
87. Basic Bearings Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
88. Basic Bearings Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
89. Basic Bearings Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
90. Basic Coil Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
91. Basic Coil Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
92. Basic Coil Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
93. Basic Engine Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
94. Basic Engine Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
95. Basic Engine Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
96. Basic Engine Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
97. Basic Filters Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
98. Basic Filters Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
99. Basic Filters Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
100. Basic Filters Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
101. Basic Filters Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
102. Basic Filters Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
103. Basic Nuts Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
104. Basic Nuts Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
105. Basic Nuts Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
106. Basic Power System Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
107. Basic Power System Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
108. Basic Power System Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
109. Basic Power System Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
110. Basic Power System Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
111. Basic Processor Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
112. Basic Processor Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
113. Basic Processor Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
114. Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
115. Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
116. Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
117. Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
118. Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
119. Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
120. Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
121. Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
122. Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
123. Basic Relay Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
124. Basic Relay Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
125. Basic Relay Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
126. Basic Relay Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
127. Basic Relay Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
128. Basic Relay Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
129. Basic Relay Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
130. Basic Relay Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
131. Basic Relay Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
132. Basic Rings Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
133. Basic Rings Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
134. Basic Screws Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
135. Basic Screws Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
136. Basic Screws Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
137. Basic Screws Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
138. Basic Screws Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
139. Basic Sensor Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
140. Basic Sensor Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
141. Basic Sensor Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
142. Basic Sensor Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
143. Basic Sensor Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
144. Basic Sensor Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
145. Basic Servo Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
146. Basic Servo Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
147. Basic Servo Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
148. Basic Servo Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
149. Basic Servo Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
150. Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
151. Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
152. Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
153. Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
154. Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
155. Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
156. Basic Structure Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
157. Basic Tube Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
158. Basic Tube Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
159. Basic Wires Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
160. Basic Wires Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
161. Basic Wires Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
162. Basic Wires Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
163. Basic Wires Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
164. Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
165. Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
166. Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
167. Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
168. Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
169. Berserker Harness Blueprint 0.01 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
170. Bigwig Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
171. Bigwig Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
172. Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
173. Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
174. Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
175. Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
176. Blausariam Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
177. BodyGuard Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
178. BodyGuard Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
179. Castar Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
180. Castar Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
181. Caudatergus Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
182. Cinclar Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
183. Cinclar Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED Attachments (Vol. I) (18)
184. Cinclar Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
185. Cinclar Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
186. Coarse Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
187. Coarse Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
188. Combustor Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
189. Cornundacauda Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
190. Cumbriz Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
191. Dacascos Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
192. Dacascos Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
193. Dacascos Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
194. Denim Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
195. Durable Coil Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
196. Durable Compressor Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
197. Durable Damper Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
198. Durable Motor Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
199. Durable Motor Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
200. Durable Structure Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
201. Dynera Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
202. Dynera Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
203. Dynera Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED Attachments (Vol. I) (18)
204. Dynera Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
205. E-Amp 11 Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
206. E-Amp 12 Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
207. E-Amp 12 Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
208. E-Amp 12 Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
209. E-Amp 12 Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
210. E-Amp 13 Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
211. E-Amp 14 Blueprint 0.01 PED Attachments (Vol. I) (18)
212. E-Amp 14 Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
213. E-Amp 14 Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
214. E-Amp 15 Blueprint 0.01 PED Attachments (Vol. I) (18)
215. EMT Kit Ek-2000 Blueprint 0.01 PED Tools (Vol. I) (485)
216. EMT Kit Ek-2500 Blueprint 0.01 PED Tools (Vol. I) (485)
217. Ecivox Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
218. Ecivox Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED Attachments (Vol. I) (18)
219. Ecivox Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
220. Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
221. Electropositive Communication Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
222. Electropositive Connector Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
223. Electropositive Processor Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
224. Elkarr Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
225. Exarosaur Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
226. Explosive Projectiles Blueprint II 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
227. Explosive Projectiles Blueprint II 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
228. Faucervix Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
229. Faucervix Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
230. Flexur Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01 PED Attachments (Vol. I) (18)
231. Frigulite Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
232. Galaxy SII Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. II) (185)
233. Guardian Face Guard Blueprint 0.01 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
234. Guardian Face Guard Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
235. Guardian Shin Guards Blueprint 0.01 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
236. Hardened Metal Plating Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. II) (185)
237. Hardened Nuts Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
238. Hardened Pipe Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
239. Hardened Screws Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
240. Heavy-Duty Seals Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
241. Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
242. Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
243. Himi Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
244. Jashonich FP Blueprint 0.01 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
245. Jester D-2 Blueprint 0.01 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
246. Kaldon Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
247. Killian Longsword G3 Blueprint 0.01 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
248. Large Plug Blueprint 0.01 PED Furniture (Vol. I) (261)
249. Mann MPH DLxE Blueprint 0.01 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
250. Mann MPH DLxEFi Blueprint 0.01 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
251. Mannell Shoes (C) Blueprint 0.01 PED Tailoring (Vol. II) (475)
252. Mermoth Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
253. Mermoth Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
254. Midastree Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
255. Mir-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
256. Mir-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
257. Monrian Power System Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
258. Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
259. Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
260. Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
261. Pioneer Harness Blueprint 0.01 PED Armor (Vol. I) (14)
262. Plasma Kyller Blueprint 0.01 PED Weapons (Vol. I) (513)
263. Resource Extractor RE-103 Blueprint 0.01 PED Tools (Vol. I) (485)
264. Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
265. Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
266. Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
267. Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
268. Samurai Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01 PED Armor (Vol. II) (15)
269. Satin Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
270. Simple I Conductors Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
271. Simple I Conductors Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. II) (185)
272. Simple II Conductors Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
273. Small Plugs Blueprint 0.01 PED Furniture (Vol. I) (261)
274. Sopur Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
275. Sopur Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
276. Standard Core Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
277. Standard Hinge Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
278. Standard Hinge Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
279. Standard Hinge Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
280. Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
281. Standard Locks Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
282. Standard Springs Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
283. Standard Vents Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
284. Standard VisioMem Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
285. Standard VisioMem Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
286. Standard VisioMem Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
287. Standard Wedge Blueprint 0.01 PED Component (Vol. I) (184)
288. Stinktree Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
289. Stinktree Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
290. Super Alloy Plating Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
291. Terrycloth Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
292. Terrycloth Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
293. Thermodure Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
294. Trutun Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
295. Valiant Face Guard Blueprint 0.01 PED Armor (Vol. II) (15)
296. Valiant Gloves Blueprint 0.01 PED Armor (Vol. II) (15)
297. Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
298. Vindicator Shin Guards Blueprint 0.01 PED Armor (Vol. II) (15)
299. Argonaut Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01 PED Material Textures (Vol. I) (333)
300. Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint 0.01 PED CARRIED
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