Hello Everyone,
I wanted to be first to give a guide here for this mission as I begin my explorations Deeper into DSEC-9.
This Guide Assumes You have already Unlocked The Lotus Teleporter and the Second Map section of Dsec to get the the first waypoint and the Stranger in the woods.
If you have not you can see this guide from Shadow about moving around DSEC.
Each Mushroom counts as 1, after you discover it, move on till you locate all 10 mushrooms
The Clear the Path stage of the ‘Welcome to the Dark Side’ chain is a daily repeatable with 2 PED worth of Universal Ammo as a reward.
Make sure to pick up the mission for Blueprints as they both Count at the same time.
Destroy Creatures - Repeatable Reward 0.30 Ped Total Blueprints
"/wp [DSEC9, 38079, 23933, 105, Waypoint]"
[Zokaraneus Texture Blueprint (L)][Tegunestene Texture Blueprint (L)][Shogghols Texture Blueprint (L)]
Important Steps:
12 - The Old Man - /wp [DSEC9, 37489, 23899, 108, Waypoint]
17 - Mission Rewards
Malwood Recruit Eagle (L) 0.09 Ped
Fanoos Medical V1 (L) 0.05 Ped
Universal Ammo 0.70 Ped
42 - Teleporter Larches Green
44 - ShadowDragonV Mission
47. Kill 50 Zokaraneus Hatchlings - Juveniles/Adolescents Do Not Count
Begin your Journey
Travel to the Lotus Teleporter in the Upper Left Quadrant of Dsec-9.
You can use /WP then the Coordinates to put these coordinates into EU for you.
1. Begin by accessing the Teleporter at /wp [DSEC9, 36420, 23462, 106, Waypoint]
2. You will Arrive on the Arrival Runes with the Stranger in the Woods in the Distance.
3. Speak with the Stranger in the Woods to Accept the Welcome to the Dark Side Mission
4. Where did they go?
5. I'll Go ask him, Farther from the Mountain of Madness?
6. Good Idea, I'll go get some now. -- Magic Mushrooms, this guy has some weird eating habits.
7. Mission Update: Meet an Old Man - Collect Strange Mushrooms on the way to the old Man's House
8. You can skirt the Shogghols mobs and go safely to the left and down the river. If you like, they are very sweat-able solo or with a small group and then drown along the way.
9. Look for and Click the "Funny Mushrooms" near the base of the Tree
10. Repeat this till completing 10/10
TIP: Each Mushroom counts as 1, after you discover it, move on till you locate all 10 mushrooms
11. Mission will update
12. Go speak with the Old Man Across the Bridge.
/WP [DSEC9, 37489, 23899, 108, Waypoint]
14. I'm sorry I'm new around these parts. I brought MUSHROOMS!
15. We shall have some Hippy Tea!
16. Accept the task from the Old Man. Creepy spying Monsters - Free Gun and Ammo - Yes Please
17. Swunt for your Life! I guess someone was trying to tell me something! Get some friends together to swunt!
Note: You can kill more mobs, and sweat more than required for this mission
18. Return to the old man
19. I think so. They Looked horrible.
20. Oh, okay here you go.
21.Trade 10 Sweat
22. Can you tell me what happened in the village and why it's abandoned?
23. That's terrible. What happened in the mountain?
24. He looks away. Clearly disturbed
25. What did the search party say?
26. What did they do then?
27. Calling the Kettle Black?
28. Hidden Mines - F-105 me!
29. Oh right, the "Tea"
30. Oh, we do the baby finder. Check! This should not take long.
31. Go mining for 5 Drops
32. Oh this man and his "Tea"
33. Mission Update Why did they all leave?
34. Find the nearby mushrooms
35. Lets go Check it out!
36. Move to the Stump
37. How in the ??
38. You will be teleported away!
39. Turn South South East to gain Teleporter "Larches Green"
/wp [DSEC9, 38122, 23647, 105, Waypoint]
40. Return to the old man:
/wp [DSEC9, 37492, 23899, 108, Waypoint]
The old man has lost his marbles and apparently so have I. Too many mushrooms. Tickle Lily?
41. Elder Gods
42. Make sure to Stop and get the mission from ShadowDragonV
/wp [DSEC9, 38059, 23878, 101, Waypoint]
43. Head to the Church and Click on the Necronomicon
44. Return to the Old Man
/wp [DSEC9, 37489, 23900, 108, Waypoint]
45. Locate the Shrine nearby
46. Return to the Old Man
47. Kill 50 Nearby Zokaraneus Hatchlings - JUVINILES/ADOLESCENTS DO NOT COUNT
/wp [DSEC9, 37554, 23842, 106, Waypoint]
This spot will save you some time as only hatchlings spawn in this one spot, rather than running all over.
48. Find the Symbols now
49. Investigate the Town for 5 Symbols.
50. Symbol 1 - /wp [DSEC9, 38058, 23863, 101, Waypoint]
51. Symbol 2 - /wp [DSEC9, 38018, 23871, 102, Waypoint]
52. Symbol 3 - /wp [DSEC9, 38007, 23818, 104, Waypoint]
53. Symbol 4 - /wp [DSEC9, 38051, 23802, 102, Waypoint]
54. Symbol 5 - /wp [DSEC9, 38131, 23809, 103, Waypoint]
55. Return to the Old Man and Receive your Reward
Following this mission you will want to talk to ShadowDragonV in Town to continue your Journey.
More details can be found for the dynamic wave events required to acquire the Spine in the Updated Mountain of Madness Section of the Forums
Mountain of Madness Missions
VU Notes
Hope you Enjoyed the Guide
More of this helpful information can be found by visiting my Discord.
Join the Fire Dbug Fly's Server Discord Server!
Check out the Fire Dbug Fly's Server community on Discord -
You may also find me on Twitch
Toulan Volunteer Mentor - Always Open to taking on New Disciples
Toulan Volunteer Mentor - Fire Dbug Fly
I wanted to be first to give a guide here for this mission as I begin my explorations Deeper into DSEC-9.
This Guide Assumes You have already Unlocked The Lotus Teleporter and the Second Map section of Dsec to get the the first waypoint and the Stranger in the woods.
If you have not you can see this guide from Shadow about moving around DSEC.
Navigating Monria / DSEC9 to Reach Mountain of Madness
Navigating DSEC-9 Go to any teleporter on Monria. Use the drop-down menu and change Monria to DSEC-9. Then select DSEC - 9 teleporter. Remember to bring your sweating tool, you will need it for the Mountain of Madness beginners mission chain. You will only use it briefly, but doing the Welcome...

Each Mushroom counts as 1, after you discover it, move on till you locate all 10 mushrooms
The Clear the Path stage of the ‘Welcome to the Dark Side’ chain is a daily repeatable with 2 PED worth of Universal Ammo as a reward.
Make sure to pick up the mission for Blueprints as they both Count at the same time.
Destroy Creatures - Repeatable Reward 0.30 Ped Total Blueprints
"/wp [DSEC9, 38079, 23933, 105, Waypoint]"
[Zokaraneus Texture Blueprint (L)][Tegunestene Texture Blueprint (L)][Shogghols Texture Blueprint (L)]
Important Steps:
12 - The Old Man - /wp [DSEC9, 37489, 23899, 108, Waypoint]
17 - Mission Rewards
Malwood Recruit Eagle (L) 0.09 Ped
Fanoos Medical V1 (L) 0.05 Ped
Universal Ammo 0.70 Ped
42 - Teleporter Larches Green
44 - ShadowDragonV Mission
47. Kill 50 Zokaraneus Hatchlings - Juveniles/Adolescents Do Not Count
Begin your Journey
Travel to the Lotus Teleporter in the Upper Left Quadrant of Dsec-9.
You can use /WP then the Coordinates to put these coordinates into EU for you.
1. Begin by accessing the Teleporter at /wp [DSEC9, 36420, 23462, 106, Waypoint]
2. You will Arrive on the Arrival Runes with the Stranger in the Woods in the Distance.
3. Speak with the Stranger in the Woods to Accept the Welcome to the Dark Side Mission
4. Where did they go?
5. I'll Go ask him, Farther from the Mountain of Madness?
6. Good Idea, I'll go get some now. -- Magic Mushrooms, this guy has some weird eating habits.
7. Mission Update: Meet an Old Man - Collect Strange Mushrooms on the way to the old Man's House
8. You can skirt the Shogghols mobs and go safely to the left and down the river. If you like, they are very sweat-able solo or with a small group and then drown along the way.
9. Look for and Click the "Funny Mushrooms" near the base of the Tree
10. Repeat this till completing 10/10
TIP: Each Mushroom counts as 1, after you discover it, move on till you locate all 10 mushrooms
11. Mission will update
12. Go speak with the Old Man Across the Bridge.
/WP [DSEC9, 37489, 23899, 108, Waypoint]
14. I'm sorry I'm new around these parts. I brought MUSHROOMS!
15. We shall have some Hippy Tea!
16. Accept the task from the Old Man. Creepy spying Monsters - Free Gun and Ammo - Yes Please
17. Swunt for your Life! I guess someone was trying to tell me something! Get some friends together to swunt!
Note: You can kill more mobs, and sweat more than required for this mission
18. Return to the old man
19. I think so. They Looked horrible.
20. Oh, okay here you go.
21.Trade 10 Sweat
22. Can you tell me what happened in the village and why it's abandoned?
23. That's terrible. What happened in the mountain?
24. He looks away. Clearly disturbed
25. What did the search party say?
26. What did they do then?
27. Calling the Kettle Black?
28. Hidden Mines - F-105 me!
29. Oh right, the "Tea"
30. Oh, we do the baby finder. Check! This should not take long.
31. Go mining for 5 Drops
32. Oh this man and his "Tea"
33. Mission Update Why did they all leave?
34. Find the nearby mushrooms
35. Lets go Check it out!
36. Move to the Stump
37. How in the ??
38. You will be teleported away!
39. Turn South South East to gain Teleporter "Larches Green"
/wp [DSEC9, 38122, 23647, 105, Waypoint]
40. Return to the old man:
/wp [DSEC9, 37492, 23899, 108, Waypoint]
The old man has lost his marbles and apparently so have I. Too many mushrooms. Tickle Lily?
41. Elder Gods
42. Make sure to Stop and get the mission from ShadowDragonV
/wp [DSEC9, 38059, 23878, 101, Waypoint]
43. Head to the Church and Click on the Necronomicon
44. Return to the Old Man
/wp [DSEC9, 37489, 23900, 108, Waypoint]
45. Locate the Shrine nearby
46. Return to the Old Man
47. Kill 50 Nearby Zokaraneus Hatchlings - JUVINILES/ADOLESCENTS DO NOT COUNT
/wp [DSEC9, 37554, 23842, 106, Waypoint]
This spot will save you some time as only hatchlings spawn in this one spot, rather than running all over.
48. Find the Symbols now
49. Investigate the Town for 5 Symbols.
50. Symbol 1 - /wp [DSEC9, 38058, 23863, 101, Waypoint]
51. Symbol 2 - /wp [DSEC9, 38018, 23871, 102, Waypoint]
52. Symbol 3 - /wp [DSEC9, 38007, 23818, 104, Waypoint]
53. Symbol 4 - /wp [DSEC9, 38051, 23802, 102, Waypoint]
54. Symbol 5 - /wp [DSEC9, 38131, 23809, 103, Waypoint]
55. Return to the Old Man and Receive your Reward
Following this mission you will want to talk to ShadowDragonV in Town to continue your Journey.
More details can be found for the dynamic wave events required to acquire the Spine in the Updated Mountain of Madness Section of the Forums
Mountain of Madness Missions
VU Notes
It had been many years since The Great Battle when evil was bound to the Celestial Prison. The Order of the Elder Gods that was formed on that day continued to defend the citizens of Monria and preserve The Order from the threats of the Cultists and those they worship. Their numbers had...

Hope you Enjoyed the Guide
More of this helpful information can be found by visiting my Discord.
Join the Fire Dbug Fly's Server Discord Server!
Check out the Fire Dbug Fly's Server community on Discord -
You may also find me on Twitch
Toulan Volunteer Mentor - Always Open to taking on New Disciples
Toulan Volunteer Mentor - Fire Dbug Fly