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  1. sidekick069

    finally done and open for business

    I haven't been on game much lately and here is why. We started a Christmas village with shops and big light show. here is just a sample of what we have done. This is daytime shot of entrance This how it looks when lit up at night. As soon as I can figure out how to upload the videos I did...
  2. sidekick069

    Finally got one

    Yogs are good!
  3. sidekick069

    Just saying

  4. sidekick069


    everything I have textured and colored is defo screwed lol. zigzag curtains have no ZigZag . everything is gray. clothes look like a mix of armor and clothes.
  5. sidekick069

    Some of the old stuff

    A few pics from long ago far away lol Weren't the graphics great back then. I have tons more of robot beacons and such.:pillowfight:
  6. sidekick069


    So myself and Strike went out exploring in the depths of the tunnels. We had an interesting run. I had a couple of globals and Strike was finding some good mining. After awhile we came across an opening I was never in and Strike said "this is the place I was looking for". Never guess who we...
  7. sidekick069


    just a test
  8. sidekick069


    I only had 1 try lol.
  9. sidekick069

    prize suggestions

    Was thinking about maybe furniture, guns, armor pieces, maybe even a shopkeeper for prizes if it is in the budget. Just a thought.
  10. sidekick069

    So we got a little snow

    Might be busy today Got a lot of digging to do lol
  11. sidekick069

    Since I arrived a week ago

    Been very good to me so far! Just a few screenshots. there is also 4 more just over 50 ped.
  12. sidekick069

    New to the forum

    Just want to say howdy. I am sidekick069 in game. I have been playing for over 11 years now and have been general of Dark Hunters Inc for over 10 years now. Have made many friends in game and hope to make many more.
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