Search results

  1. Lumiya

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year to All and may the force be with you.:toast
  2. Lumiya

    Sith Family Tower on Monria

    Gzzzzz :jumpclap:jumpclap:jumpclap:jumpclap
  3. Lumiya

    VCAT | Sign Up for the Team

    I would like to be a part off the MCAT team. Sith Lord Lumiya GMT +1 What ever is needed, aslong Shub-Niggurath allowe me to do it. :devil
  4. Lumiya

    Sweat Shop

    #Sweatshop :onair
  5. Lumiya

    Hi :)

    Welcome :)
  6. Lumiya

    Modec VXT 100 (L) - New Player Hunt

    Great Event Sith, big thanx and keep th'm coming :shooting:so cool:shooting2
  7. Lumiya

    Monria | 12 Hr Yog Endurance Event | Saturday - Sep 15th

    Gz to all winners.:wavinghands
  8. Lumiya

    I am buying

    Great service :) Got to clean my strg and turn in sweat @ the same time :jumpclap
  9. Lumiya

    Happy birthday DME

    Happy Birthday DME :)
  10. Lumiya

    Avatar minimum level needed to tame Monria pets

    I could tame a blue Leprechaun when i was lvl 6. And it was very easy. Got 1 when i tamed my first Yog Hatchling at taming lvl 6. This 1 takes a while to tame hehehe
  11. Lumiya

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome my young Padawan, May the evil force be with you. :-p
  12. Lumiya

    Aloha Monria

    Welcome to Monria :)
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