do you still have to press a button my response time is a hell of a lot longer than 500 Ms... Is usually panic get excited and the. Have to scroll back to see whet I got
To Shade thanks :) I do have windows 10 so that's probably my problem
To DM you crazy thing :confused:
To DoA I don't have the file auto updating I just leave it ;)
Thanks to all
PS DM I love that banner!
Hello there
This morning was one of the best mornings ever in Entropia for me. And the best Hunting on Monria so far :)
I got 5 Globals 2 of them over 200:D
2 guns
and an attack chip
I love the Shub:cool:
entropia tracke did not take any pictures of my globals!:eek:
if I press print...
I think so to :) regarding no vehicles that is .... It's late here and I'm falling asleep ;)
Monria is quite small and a vehicle would've make it even smaller, remember running around caly with no vehicles? That was tough, but here it's not bad at all :)
Night night :eek: that's a kind of...
instead of doing the huge load of things i have to do I've decided to put everything off and focus on the more important task of following my rambling train of daydreams..... :confused:
I was just thinking of Monrian people I've met recently and you gotta wonder about how they got their...
There is a starter mission where you have to go down the cave and locate something from these container as far as I remember, that's if you're talking about the ones in cave 1.
I haven't seen any others
I've run out of Ped and I need to wait a bit for my daily monria crafting mission to open up So when I'm not looking at the other guys crafting .....
I'm targeting Random unknown strangers with my left over snowballs for the New years eve party :rolleyes:
I am actually quite bored...
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