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  1. Kendra

    DSEC9 Bug Reports | General Discussion

    Can't spell ;) In future I'll get DM to proof read for me
  2. Kendra

    DSEC9 Bug Reports | General Discussion

    This is fine these creatures are deformed versions of the Toulon mob that have been 'enhanced' by dsec.
  3. Kendra

    DSEC9 Bug Reports | General Discussion

    you dont pick up the access card at this point, it happens later.
  4. Kendra

    DSEC9 Bug Reports | General Discussion

    Go back to the op where you revived and run around It should continue from there. i'll check it out this end.
  5. Kendra

    Toulan Book of Life | Lost Pages Acquired

    Well done Guys :jumpclap
  6. Kendra

    Toulan Book of Life | Lost Pages Acquired

    well done Hally :)
  7. Kendra

    At the edge of the world

    Wow Eleni That's lovely I get the feeling of the light at the end of the tunnel being that of an oncoming train...:oops
  8. Kendra

    Entropia BUG

    That's fantastic that it is fixed now. Probably a lot of waisted work on your part, but at least you know your install is nice and tidy :)
  9. Kendra

    Twitch Stream | Hally Baba EU

    the link brought me to your stream but you were off line. It did give me the option to follow you which I did :) The new link bring me to the same place
  10. Kendra

    Thoughts on what BPs drop the Monria specific BPs?

    Yay Gatekeeper you're back :D I hope you're well great to see you :) I missed those bunny ears
  11. Kendra

    The status of FFSI and HSSC event

    OMG Kaimarr That sounds awful. What a horrible month you've had. I hope you get strong as time goes on and your PC holds it together. Remember this is a Game and RL comes first always. You're event's are a brilliant initiative for new players and so helpful, and well done for doing them...
  12. Kendra

    There i did it, i finnished Toulan

    Wow Hally Well Done. Very impressive :)
  13. Kendra

    Change in CotS Leadership

    Hey Leshrac good luck with your classes and RL :) and hope to see you back when you're all educated and stuff ;) Grats Kingu well done and don't brake it while he's away :nana I know you'll do a great job :jumpclap
  14. Kendra

    Toulan BP stacking amount

    Thanks Morrath I'll check it out
  15. Kendra

    Happy Birthday | " Kendra "

    Thanks so much for the Birthday wishes. 😍 Broke Ant's card :) and had lemon cake yum yum :)
  16. Kendra

    EntropiaHub - Toulan's BP Search Tool

    Morrath that's brilliant Wow :D:D
  17. Kendra

    Trade your Male Malgar Helmet (L) for my Female

    Good luck with the trade :)
  18. Kendra

    Welcome to the Forum

    Aloha Sache :)
  19. Kendra

    Yamato Space Warp | Yamato joins Star Fleet

    Ah okay :D I see the star on the Yamato now that you're on it :)
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