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    Press Release | Monria’s Annual St Patrick’s Day Event a Mind Blower

    Monria's annual St Patrick's day event was showcased at Gamercon, Dublin, Ireland. (PRWeb March 31, 2017) Read the full story at Continue reading...
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    Press Release | Monria Announces Official Storyline

    Virtual Moon Monria, within the Entropia Universe, announces their official Cthulhu Mythos-based storyline that pays homage to H. P. Lovecraft. (PRWeb March 01, 2017) Read the full story at Monria Announces Official Storyline Continue reading...
  3. admin

    Monria Introduces a Stable During First Annual St Patrick's Day Event

    Monria announces the release of a Stable Estate on the in game auction as part of their Moon March Madness events and the annual St Patrick's Day celebrations. (PRWeb March 15, 2016) Read the full story at Continue reading...
  4. admin

    Irish Company Purchases a Virtual Moon in Entropia Universe, an MMO with a Real Cash Economy.

    Virtualsense Limited invests $94,338.40 US dollars in a Virtual Moon called Monria. (PRWeb January 04, 2016) Read the full story at Continue reading...
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