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  1. Littlestar b-k

    Things that would make a lot of sense! feat. Hally

    Big fat yes to this. I've been wanting a new area sinds i first heard VS is taking over and make suggestions about this as well. I would also hate to see another copy/paste on this area like alot of content universe wide is these days. And noooooooooooooo i can't wait for another few years ...
  2. Littlestar b-k

    Things that would make a lot of sense! feat. Hally

    This is what i mean and i don't think it is because you hit higher matureties. I have the exact problem on the bahri spawn over the bridge near the Sandy tp. At the start of hunt hides are dropping and 30 min later they just stop. (I think we hit a limit on hides or something) The only mob that...
  3. Littlestar b-k

    Things that would make a lot of sense! feat. Hally

    I can agree with most of what your suggesting except for one thing. If there is going to be a elite mob of any kind it should drop different loot then the normal version of said mob. Why do you ask? Because those grinding on them will loot all the mu items like hide/nails etc.. as the bigger...
  4. Littlestar b-k

    Mayhem loot capped in Toulan, MA fault..

    Oh i looted a ton of wool on Caly in this Merry mayhem, on Toulan i got 0.
  5. Littlestar b-k

    2022 Goals

    My goals for this year. - Reach 10.000 points in 1 skill. 10.000/10.000 Completed - Achieve Toulan citizenship. Completed - Unlock killstrike. lvl75 (dmg) - Loot a page. 0 - Get to 240 HP. 229/240 - loot Cuhof plate 1 7/7 Completed -...
  6. Littlestar b-k

    hunting return log

    Merry Mayhem 2021 50.241,18 ped repairs and ammo 492 boxes 48.192,08 ped loot return : 95.92% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ammo and repairs 576.235,44 ped TOTAL loot 560.822,66 ped TOTAL tt return 97.32%
  7. Littlestar b-k

    hunting return log

    December includes the above event. 14.331,62 ped repairs and ammo 15.134,69 ped loot return : 105.60% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ammo and repairs 525.994,26 ped TOTAL loot 512.630,58 ped TOTAL tt return 97.45%
  8. Littlestar b-k

    Toulan khaffas volcano

    Isn't there like a khaffash king in the FnF instance after x kills? What your asking for might allrdy be in game. As for garanteed profit on a boss kill, you know that is never ever going to happen. I see no need to destroy a good hunting spot in favor of bigger mobs again.
  9. Littlestar b-k

    Toulan khaffas volcano

    I have to vote against this. Many people would prob be unable to kill the boss leaving it in the spawn. Meaning they have to hunt around a mob. That is no fun. Maybe a wave event somewere could solve what you want.
  10. Littlestar b-k

    Mayhem loot capped in Toulan, MA fault..

    This has always been the case in my expierence. Same with boxes that don't drop at the beginning of mayhem. It is the reason i try to start a mayhem on Calypso.
  11. Littlestar b-k

    Land area tax popup on login.

    Now that i'm joining mayhem on Toulan i also get a popup saying i have left taxed land when entering the instance.
  12. Littlestar b-k

    hunting return log

    December Toulan montly event 3.725,19 ped repairs and ammo 3.644,33 ped loot return : 97.82% I got approx 25% done of the Citizenship mission.
  13. Littlestar b-k

    Land area tax popup on login.

    Still having this issue. I made a pic to show you. It happens when i leave the mayhem and spawn back on Toulan too.
  14. Littlestar b-k

    I had a problem collecting the sleigh in Christmas Crackers mission that was easily resolved..

    You can make a nawa cell by putting nawa fragments in a refiner to make a nawa shard , then put the shard in the refiner with 100 sweat to make a Cell. I could be mistaken but doesn't the sleigh use nawa drops? Those can be mined. Edit : It's nawa vials.
  15. Littlestar b-k

    Selling Baraka Gloves (F) unlimited

    If you can wait a little bit i will buy them. I am on Caly at present, i should be back for the Monthly event.
  16. Littlestar b-k

    Force Nexus?

    Hey , maybe that person has been looking sinds then and now finally can go find some force nexus around Citadel.
  17. Littlestar b-k

    Christmas Wishes!

    yup, but i need boxes so i can deposit :D And yes i know i can just buy boxes too from the shop but i cannot resist the chance on a seasonal ring. + Its Merry mayhem. I like a small area with lots of mobs for me alone. Edit : it's a good test for my new ares pefected.
  18. Littlestar b-k

    The wood cutters helper

    Maybe a 1 time complete mission, i doubt there are many mission that reward 1.5 ped daily for 20-30 ped cycled. That be a horrible deal for MA.
  19. Littlestar b-k

    Christmas Wishes!

    I wish for not to horrible Merry Mayhem returns.
  20. Littlestar b-k

    Virtualsense VU 21.4.1 | PATCH

    As far as my instance knowledge goes it has always been that way. You have to leave the team inside the instance to be able to loot.
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