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  1. sluggo

    Ill throw my two pedlings in as well...

    Let me also add, for the mining mission, can we get some for possibly for Oil and Lyst. That way when you hit it, instead of saying, aww CRAP, you can say, well.... at least it gets points towards SOMETHING (the mission) :D sluggo
  2. sluggo

    The Monria Team

    Good luck in your partnership guys and gals. I can only see this getting better over time. The one thing that is key I believe is honestly, and communicating with folks. Even if it's bad news, we can take it, people who like Monria want to feel engaged, like they are part of it and when a PP...
  3. sluggo

    Ill throw my two pedlings in as well...

    You are very welcome and thank you for taking notice. It is nice to see Planet Partners / Owners actually listening to the players and taking suggestions to heart. Yes we KNOW it takes a while to get MA to do anything but knowing it may be in the works is a nice start. Thank you Sluggo
  4. sluggo

    Ill throw my two pedlings in as well...

    Suggestions to make Monria the best planet to work on. You have two Mining missions for DSEC, which I believe means Monria Exclusive? More mining missions would be totally awesome, BUT.... I just completed my Zoldenite I mission today and was rewarded with Prospecting :( Zoldenite is an...
  5. sluggo

    I just bought the Moon!!!

    This is good news indeed! I see a lot of potential in Monria and now that it's 'alive' again maybe it can really get going. There seems to be fairly good hunting for numerous levels. Mining well, it's Inside rules, what can ya say :) Crafting, the daily is like none other you will find...
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