I signed up via this website scrolled all the way down and clicked the "create account" link at the bottom. This took me to an account creation page (cannot post links, but the ccode is affimoon130401) the confirmation email I received had as sender "Rocktropia" and my shirt is... unfortunally... Rocktropian.
I want to be a Monrian born (and preferably start my game on Monria!
Could you please supply me with a link to the correct account creation page? (affimoon code?) I will then request MindArk to delete my account and create a new one.
Note: I notice a difference in the ccode from the website and the ccode on the image on the bottom of your post. Website = affimoon130401, on your signature = affimoon131202
We have 2 affiliate codes and they are both suppose to work properly. It seems of late that we have had a challenge with this happening and others have had difficulties as well. The affiliate code that you showed in your post is correct, that's the one that shows up when you click on the PLAY NOW at the top right of the forum. The other affiliate code comes from my signature, so both should work correctly.
Did you visit other planet websites before coming to the Monria forum? If so, there seems to be an issue with "cookies" and computers recognizing the previous planet website that a person was at when they create an account. We have been instructing everyone to clear their cookies before coming to our forum to create a Monria account, and right now, I think that is the only way to create a new avatar account with us, but also, you should submit a support case and ask MindArk to delete your other avatar, or ... I think some might have even told them what happened in a support case and asked to have the avatar placed on Monria as a Monria avatar and beginning place.
If you want to try to create a new avatar to be born on Monria, then close your browser, clear your cookies and log into our forum. Click on the PLAY NOW at the top right of the forum and create your account. If successful, you will go through beginning training at Thule, which is the Calypso training ground because we don't have our own, but Monria will be referenced in your quest dialogues a few times as you complete the training. At the end, you will be given an option to be transported to Monria with the Lt Smith (I think) NPC. It will take you to the teleporter at the Monria Hub where you will begin your missions on Monria.
Let me know how it goes, and one way or another, we will help to get you to Monria as a Monrian Born.