as topic says -mainly looking to sell this [Restoration Chip, Adjusted] for 4,4k ped - CHIP IS SOLD !!!
also available...
[Mayhem B-Amplifier Beta (L)] full tt/500% - 50 ped
[Thawr Hide] 19,60tt/250%
[Wahesh Hide] 5,94tt/200%
[Jeef Nawa Core Part] 0,80tt/1200%
[Khaffash Hide] 3,70tt/170%
and lots of [NawaCore MK2 part E], [NawaCore MK3 part C], [NawaCore MK3 part D] and [NawaCore MK3 part E] - each 150%/3 ped
contact me ingame: VSS BoB Vintorezzzzz

also available...
[Mayhem B-Amplifier Beta (L)] full tt/500% - 50 ped
[Thawr Hide] 19,60tt/250%
[Wahesh Hide] 5,94tt/200%
[Jeef Nawa Core Part] 0,80tt/1200%
[Khaffash Hide] 3,70tt/170%
and lots of [NawaCore MK2 part E], [NawaCore MK3 part C], [NawaCore MK3 part D] and [NawaCore MK3 part E] - each 150%/3 ped
contact me ingame: VSS BoB Vintorezzzzz

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