Selling Shop/Estate/Compound for Monria Hub Shop.

Kain Dewey Fall

VCAT Team Member

I own Four Studio Street, Rocktropia
Located down the road from Club NeverDIE
Closest Estate to the Studio Street teleport
1 of 5

/wp [Rocktropia, 136983, 84583, 179, Four Studio]

Features an arch Entrance and automatic gate to a large driveway and garage hall.
If you go around the back by going left front to the side and then to the back,
The Back of the compound features a Large Pool with 2 Large Zombie Fountains, Large Bar with Full Terminal Station, Hot Tub, Stone Kiln/Grill
The inside features a first hall where you can hear and talk to people inside and outside of the Estate/Shop, when you go into the main part of the Estate/shop it features a Full Terminal Station to the Right as well as a large insert room. The Main room also features I second floor and subbalcony, as well as an outside 2nd floor balcony.

2 Full Terminal Stations
either around 1000-1300 Item Points
Fully Decorated as a Club/Fashion Hub/Rocktropia Crib
Large Pool, Hot Tub, Zombie Fountain Statues, Fill Bar setup.
Automatic gate driveway with large featured garage hall.

Everything is also currently heavily decorated if you want to make you offer based on keeping certain existing features.

We can even make a swap trade deal like, I'll help keep the shop going and give you a percentage and
1.) you keep Four Studio deed and I Hold your Monria Hub Deed. While we retain ownership.
2.) We trade, take ownership, trade back and work on management for one or the other and or both.
3.) Full trade No tape Back, Purchase.

This isn't the current state of the Shops Decoration Setup, but it features what the Estate/Shop/Compound looks like and the aim I was going for.

Come on, I want to do crazy storyline down.
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