Monrian Born | Arkadia Field Trip | Fri, Aug 17th - Sun, Aug 19th


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We are taking our Monrian Born on another field trip adventure to Planet Arkadia. Field trips to other planets are of benefit to our MBs in order to expand their universe experiences, but also to guide them through beginner mission chains to gain skills and rewards.

The details for this field trip are as follows:


  • depart Monria for Arkadia on Friday, Aug 17th aboard the Yamato @ 20:00 game time
  • return to Monria from Arkadia on Sunday, Aug 19th aboard the Yamato @ 20:30 game time
  • if you are not on the Yamato guest list, please follow the instructions here and sign up
  • make sure that you have all Planets and Space downloaded so that there is no delay
  • you will be sent an invite to our in-game Monria Field Trip channel for communication
  • --- this will be done once we all meet at Arkadia New Arrivals
  • please be sure to keep the channel active so that you don't miss out on the activities
  • --- instructions will also be given in the Monria Field Trip channel
  • there is a lot to see and do while we are on Arkadia, but we will focus primarily on beginner missions
  • Arkadia Citizenship will be the first mission chain that we tackle
  • --- to be able to unlock the initial mission chain, it requires 10k sweat
  • --- you will need the 10k sweat to gain your Arkadia Passport
  • --- the Monrian Born sweat buying program has added another layer to this MB benefit
  • --- when MBs sell their sweat through the MB sweat buying program, they are banking their sweat
  • --- not only for themselves, but also in an effort to help "Pay it Forward" to help other MBs
  • --- the Monria Team will provide the 10k sweat for each MB to achieve their Arkadia Citizenship
  • --- Arkadia Citizenship Rules
  • --- DME will distribute the 10k sweat to each MB
  • --- the 10k sweat will not be given to an MB until they are in front of the mission NPC
  • --- if an MB has a disconnect or logs out after given the 10k sweat and doesn't do the mission chain ...
  • --- they are responsible for returning the 10k sweat to DME ... however ...
  • --- if they say they will complete the Citizenship on their own while on Arkadia during the field trip ...
  • --- then when the field trip has concluded, they must show DME proof of their Arkadia Citizenship
  • --- if proof of completing the Arkadia Citizenship is not presented within a week after the field trip ...
  • --- that MB will no longer be eligible for the MB sweat buying program
  • --- also, when each MB completes the mission, they must show DME their Arkadia Passport
  • --- if an MB is given 10k sweat for the mission and does not show proof of an Arkadia Passport ...
  • --- that MB will no longer be eligible for the MB sweat buying program
  • --- there are no exceptions to the rules
  • we always try to fit in teleporter runs for our MBs to have other locations to explore in the future
  • we also like to take our MBs on big mob team hunts for the experience, so we'll do that too
  • we may engage in other random activities as time permits
  • there will be several MVSTs and other supporters on the trip to help throughout the weekend
  • --- many times, there is one-on-one help if needed, so stay connected with the field trip group
  • Added Activity
  • Noz has an Arkadia Aakas instance key, so we will be teaming for this too
  • --- these are a lot of fun and will be a cool experience for our MBs
  • --- this will most likely be on Saturday
  • --- we can coordinate a time once we're all on Arkadia
  • Team Loot Rules -- the following items will be split as a result of any team hunting
  • any item valued at 50 ped or more
  • any ESI
  • any Nanite
  • Generic Fuses
  • any Unlimited items
As always, we appreciate the availability of our Monria Volunteer Support Team (MVST) who join us on these field trips to help guide our MBs through the missions and all activities that take place.

Thank you to all who join these activities and who support our efforts to expand MB experiences.


The following photos depict the steps of accepting the Arkadia Citizenship mission.

Entropia 2017-02-13 20-04-07-43.png Entropia 2017-02-13 20-04-19-08.png Entropia 2017-02-13 20-04-33-32.png Entropia 2017-02-13 20-04-45-02.png Entropia 2017-02-13 20-04-51-76.png Entropia 2017-02-13 20-06-41-66.png

Additional note ...

It seems that there might be a bit of confusion with regard to how the 10k sweat is going to work, so I thought I would add a bit of clarity.

However, I think the rules are pretty straight forward. If a Monrian Born receives the 10k sweat for the Arkadia Citizenship quest line while standing in front of the NPC and doesn't accept the mission because of a disconnect or a result of logging out and doesn't come back into the game, they are responsible for returning that 10k sweat to me. It is meant specifically for the Arkadia Citizenship mission and nothing else, so it should not be a problem to return the 10k sweat to me.

If the Monrian Born logs back in at some time during the field trip and states that they will do the Arkadia Citizenship quest line on their own during the field trip weekend (although we will be there to help), then after the weekend field trip, they must show me their Arkadia Passport that everyone gets for completing the mission chain, but I'm going to go one step further ...

I'm going to require that each Monrian Born who does the Arkadia Citizenship mission chain to show me their Arkadia Passport when they complete it. I will make a list of the Monrian Born who travel with us to do this mission chain, and those I give the 10k sweat to. Here's my reasoning behind it ...

The Monria Team funds and supports all of our Community Initiative Programs (CIP) in order to facilitate a greater experience for our Monrian Born. We expect that everyone will be honorable and do the right thing by following the rules, especially in this particular instance because of the generosity of giving out the 10k sweat to each Monrian Born, but we also realize that there is potential for abuse.

Our goal has always been to build our community from the ground up with our Monrian Born, which is why we put the programs in place that we have. We want to provide an opportunity to not only expand experiences within the universe overall, but also help to develop skills and provide as much fun as possible in the process. The fact that our community has organically grown with so many other wonderful people has been an absolute and unexpected surprise for us, and we are deeply appreciative for the support and continued contributions in time and effort to help evolve our growing community.

So let's approach this in the spirit in which it is meant to be. If you haven't been on one of our field trips to another planet, I think you will find it valuable and a whole lotta fun. We do our best to help you (MBs) advance your skills, collect some rewards, gain more teleporters for future travel on your own to explore more missions, and become familiar with other locations within our universe.

Let's get as many Monrian Born on this field trip as possible.

I have 1.5 million bottles of sweat, so we should be good to go. :D


And, as always -- Have Fun & Expect the Unexpected


Ohh boy field trip yey xd .looking forwards to the trip,the fun stuffies we.gonna do .the big mobs that would die,the juicy loot we might get and ofcource not to forget perhaps we could roast som gallards at a campfire to retell the tales of our trip xd.sadly i have to say i wont be arround to join yamato flight over.thursday i start back working (12.00game time to 20.00 + 1h bike ride home .probaly ill take a private taxi flight over to arkadia thurday and hope friday i could join you all xd.


Well-Known Member
I will of course be there. :)
As an added note on the passport chain, when you hand the sweat in you get an achievement which we all see, so we know it has been done.
I would suggest making it a requirement to have achievements public, so the MVSTs can check to see the avatar doesn't already have the achievement before the sweat is handed over.
I know this shouldn't really be necessary, but it would remove all chances for abuse as they could easily show a passport they already have, if they did "DC" or log off.


Virtualsense Official
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Great info and suggestions Noz, thank you very much. :aok


Well-Known Member
Ark field hunt for mission chains, idea

Close to Courageous Firebase Academy is the Arkadia Event Area 2

It has lots of Caroboks, Gallards, Arkadian hornets, and Monura males and females, all mobs mixed together, all low level mission chain mobs.

Would make for great team hunting and give a good start on those mission chains


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify the loot rules for team hunts during the field trip.

Items below will be split:

Any item valued at 50 ped or more
Any Nanite
Generic Fuses
UL items
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Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
Just to clarify the loot rules for team hunts during the field trip.

Items below will be split:

Any item over 50 ped
Any Nanite
Generic Fuses
UL items

I'll include the team loot rules in the first post and all future field trip threads. Thanks Noz :)
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