ComPet: Behind The Game
#11 Disco Nibbly Backstory
Self-control is a great thing. But it has to be said, too much of it can be rather...boring!
Posherton was once home to a society of Nibblies called the ‘Self-control Society’. This society controlled every aspect of their members’ lives. Colourful, exciting names for children were not allowed: it was believed they would lead to individualism and arrogant behaviour. Instead, the society only allowed plain names like Dave, Fred and Tracy. Members engaged in daily meditation and ate only the healthiest of foods with just the right amount of nutrients to lead a healthy (yet very dull) existence. Only black, white and grey clothing was acceptable. Music was permitted, but only the variety that wouldn’t excite the listener (so Bavarian ‘oompah’ music and minimal techno were popular choices).
Members were born into the society, so they knew nothing else. This prevented rebellion. After all, why rebel against all you had ever known?
Nevertheless, rebellion will always manifest itself somehow!
And so it was that one fine day the Nibbly known as Fred Smith was meditating in his garden when a brightly coloured butterfly fluttered over his head. How calming and peaceful, thought Fred as he watched the graceful insect sailing blissfully by on a warm current of air to land lightly on the grass.
Then it inexplicably grew a pair of arms, picked up a tiny “Jackson King V” guitar and proceeded to play the best metal solo ever witnessed by humankind!
Verily, this is a lesson, thought Fred. It’s good to have self-control, but sometimes thou must be unpredictable and go wild!
This Fred proceeded to do with great aplomb!
He ate jelly walking backwards whilst reciting Byronic poetry.
He changed his name to “Rainbow River Wide-Oak”
He read Beat Generation literature and became inspired by the style of Elton John.
He danced to disco music, learning the grooviest moves imaginable.
He, quite simply, became fabulous!
Soon other Nibblies saw how much fun Fred (or ‘Rainbow’) was having and decided to join in. They broke away from the ‘Self-control Society’ and formed their own groovy group.
‘The Disco Nibblys ’.
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