I know at the moment that the shops that carry the weapons are Sith's shop (Monria Hub, 2nd Floor, Shop 1 next to the televator), Evy's shop (Cthulhu Tower, Shop 6), Hrothgar's shop (Cthylla Tower, Shop 1, but he generally carries weapons and gear for the lower level players).
I know that Filthy McNasty is back and sorting things out with his shop which is at the Monria Hub, 2nd Floor, opposite end of the Trade Center by Tobie (daily crafting NPC), and in the past he has crafted and carried a variety of the ArMatrix weapons as well. He said he is looking to open his shop again in mid-June because he wants to get it stocked.
In the meantime, I know that Sith does a lot of weapons crafting and I'll point him to this thread because he is always accommodating when it comes to supplying items the community wants and needs, as is a few of our other active shop owners. I'm going to encourage others to post at the forum to let our shop owners know what they would like to see as well, so that we can supply the needs of the community.
We (Monria Team) work with our shop owners to connect them to the community to be better suppliers of what is needed, and not too far in the future, I will be doing a profile on each of our active shop owners to properly introduce them to the community. Each of them have their own dedicated sub-forum section with an option to post their inventory list. Some do, some don't, but we also have the
Monria Directory that lists all shops and apartment owners with their locations because some of the apartment owners sell from shopkeepers in their apartment as well, and they have a sub-section too.
Hope this helps.