And the UL Weapon?

A few moths ago, the Mawlood Graduate (L) was discovered in VU 23.4... a good weapon....

Sin título.jpg

Say "Both, Limited and Rare Unlimited versions are available"... Well, and the UL version? Exist? Is in Loot Table? Is very Ultra-Rare? MA says "No"?

What happen with UL version?


Virtualsense Official
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Nothing happened to the UL Mawlood Graduate weapon, it's still out there to be discovered, it's just rare and with all of the events MA has consistently running on Calypso, it minimizes the activity on other planets. It will eventually be discovered.

Littlestar b-k

Well-Known Member
VCAT Team Member
7.5 months if i'm not mistaken.
The eff on that weapon is a good indication of rarety. Think Twen weapon drops.
So a huge cycle is going to be required for it to drop. (If thats how the system works)
We don't even know for certain what it will drop from. All we can do is cycle and hope we chose the right place to do so.

Littlestar b-k

Well-Known Member
VCAT Team Member
That would suck to have that weapon drop on Thawr, top 3 mob on Toulan.
But would also not be surprising either.
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