
  1. Gredrrik Malgar

    Twitch Stream | TheTallestGreen

    Twitch Stream | The Tallest Green Greets from the unsane one! I'll be running subscriber events monthly over on my Twitch stream Streaming EU as much as possible, but may occasionally be playing some other games depending on the flow. I will be hunting, mining, crafting, whatever comes our...
  2. Gredrrik Malgar

    Monria Volunteer Mentors | Gredrrik Alhakekhist Malgar

    Greetings to any who may wander across this, first off i'm fairly new to Entropia compaired to some other avatars but that doesn't stop me, so don't let it stop you. Origianlly Caly born in 2013, once i arrived to Monria the first time i knew right then and there, this was a place to call home...
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