
  1. O

    Vast Crude Oil 1955 PED

    My first big mining find on Monria! Vast Crude Oil 1955 PED on October 4th, 2020
  2. Vast Crude Oil 1955 PED - October 4, 2020

    Vast Crude Oil 1955 PED - October 4, 2020

    Vast Crude Oil 1955 PED
  3. Vast Crude Oil 1955 PED

    Vast Crude Oil 1955 PED

    Vast Crude Oil 1955 PED, October 4 2020
  4. avarupter

    Zulu and Avalon HOF

    Hopefully this wins it for the Monria event :D
  5. F

    3 HoF, Ironing shubs

    447 ped (shub) 16/04/2019, containing shrap and a lvl 50 knife 387 ped shub, 18/04/2019, containing shrap and oil 391 ped shub, 23/04/2019, containing shrap and oil sitting at 1k/10 k shub right now
  6. F

    2100 ped Blau in the Shoggoth crater

    Equipment was a TerraMaster 6 (L) and a D-amp
  7. Eugenio Anhithe Wilde

    Rich Lyst

    My largest HOF on Monria and sitting proudly between two other Monrian HOFS :)
  8. Eon Ost Turf

    HoF:5148ped Zoldenite Dust

    Just wanna share the screengrab :) Thanks Monria!
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