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  1. Thanos Zee Viper


    Greetings welcome to the moon
  2. Thanos Zee Viper

    Happy Birthday Kendra

    :toast:shooting:shooting2:happybirthday3:happybirthday2happy birthday, may all your wishes come true, now somebody point me to the CAKE:p
  3. Thanos Zee Viper

    Shadow's Birthday Cave Run

    most DEEF be there.... will there be cake?:p
  4. Thanos Zee Viper

    Tutorial : Explosives

    <<<grenadier great tool for your tool box
  5. Thanos Zee Viper


    welcome to the moon
  6. Thanos Zee Viper

    Monria | Spear Aerial Ballet Over Water | Malgar & Shadow

    .... note to self, if Malgar or Shadow ask if you need a ride, politely decline :no
  7. Thanos Zee Viper

    Monrian Born | Arkadia Field Trip | Apr 27 - 29, 2018

    DME sign me up for weekend as (MVST) support, I am Arkadian born and have spent most of my EU time there.
  8. Thanos Zee Viper

    New to Monria and the game

    welcome welcome don't be shy need help, hollar
  9. Thanos Zee Viper

    Sweat Market

    I need a shower after reading that:p
  10. Thanos Zee Viper

    Full Cave TP Run

    would definitely be down for another, cave wave of destruction:shooting
  11. Thanos Zee Viper

    New to Monria

    welcome to moon and EU
  12. Thanos Zee Viper

    A new Monrian

    welcome to the moon if you need anything just hoollar:peace
  13. Thanos Zee Viper

    Calypso Beacon Fun | During Monria's Calypso Field Trip Weekend

    count me in:toastim not monrian born, can I still play?
  14. Thanos Zee Viper

    Calypso Beacon Fun | During Monria's Calypso Field Trip Weekend

    count me in:toastim not monrian born can I still play?
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