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  1. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Players Blog. As I see each day on Thiefs I got around 25-35k Longblades skill reward, but PED lost is also factor, So from day 9 I will hunt with no Armour, repair is around 1 to 1.50PED with Z12. Maybe its time to use looted weapons etc. need to check that. For mob location I use this map, but...
  2. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Oratan Payback Stage 4. Oratan Prospector Thief DAY-INPUT-BURN-OUTPUT-(EVENTUAL COMMENT) 1-0PED-29.20PED-21.52PED 2-0PED-28.47PED-29.28PED 3-0PED-30.46PED-24.84PED 4-0PED-30.72PED-22.68PED 5-0PED-29.90PED-25.87PED 6-0PED-28.29PED-19.55PED 7-0PED-27.88PED-20.62PED 8-0PED-28.09PED-18.62PED 9-...
  3. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Stage 3 Oranat Payback is done. Raw burn minus income(TT value) is 58.69PED. So it gives 4.19...PED per day loosing. Not so good, but as new player my loot is not so high as older players. So now time for 30 days with Thief's
  4. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Thank You😘 When I play very often I switch camera mode to have small impresion of watching movie, Sometimes when I know mob will not kill me I switch off all game interface and just play from FPV. Yog's are ugly MF!
  5. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Player Blog. Currently I'm able to hunt all Shoggoth's till Odium the Desecrator even when 4 of them on me. So it's time to do daily quest's also with Yog's. So now when on Monria I got more to do. I'm also thinking and its part of suggestion's for future, that if all Planet Partner's create...
  6. W

    Toulan Daily Missions | Info & Rewards

    Small easy Hunting list I made with weak mob's If someone is interested
  7. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Post will be edited. I live it here for Hunters that want to have easy life. *** Hunter daily Terminal daily+ /wp [Planet Toulan, 131355, 95265, 127, Najran reward] /wp [Planet Toulan, 137185, 92340, 100, Fares reward] /wp [Planet Toulan, 137140, 90860, 100, Yassar reward] ~ Kill 100...
  8. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Always something, was hoping something better will drop. Its always random or depend's on part's Mentor got already?
  9. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Player Blog. My weekend game strat to have better shape. After Oratans I jump for 2PED ammo to Ark moon, then tree cutting weekly quest on Cyrene, Daily on Caly+Shoping, then I do crafting daily on Monria, when got more time then also do Hunting daily, and back to Ark. Who got some extra tip's...
  10. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Today the mentoring path ended. So I jumped to new Armour. What droped @Mungo Baobob ? Hope something good. Thanks for giving all answers and tip's. To celebrate I've made small short and easy event on NI, A game of hide and seek and give 100PED to random player. Currently as I know about...
  11. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Players Blog I got talk with some players, that It would be great to color our armours. As I mentioned, having Atlas armour in black would be like cyber Ninja, and they told me Next Island have one for streamer's, event creator's etc. So from today I start my migration from Ark(after oratans)...
  12. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Player blog. Hi everyone. I just started Twitch Channel reason was from simple situation. To short my time of AFK in game and pass with life. So sometimes I will stream just flying in space so I can look where I'm if jumping to shop etc. Or to record game as its already on my computer so why...
  13. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    At the weekend I will be here. Someone also go there?
  14. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Blog. Currently I'm still on Calypso. Doing all quest's that are made to go from A to B, and everythng that I can hunt easly. Stuff like Vault Hunter or Anna Bjorkdottir close to Forth Troy Some say that calypso map is 100km2, is it true? Is there information how big Map's are in EU?
  15. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    So its better to do on what lvl?
  16. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    My budget for gameplay that I have no problem spending each month on entertaiment is around 50-200$, my game play in working day's is around 1-3h. At weekend's can be even 10h, as Im night shift worker so other entertaiment is limited for me, and I'm not a party animal spending cash in pub's or...
  17. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Ahh no it don't look like that, suit is diffrent. Its like this...
  18. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Hi Eleni. Thanks to links from Mungo I started to read tutorials. Your Melee and Explosives It looks like fun for me to combine that two way's of grinding mobs, At Monria event I discovered that my gameplay that gives me fun and relax is to aggro big group of mobs and shred/slice them to sound...
  19. W

    The Jared WolfStar Moonheimer Blog

    Update of blog. Information for new players from new player perspective. I level'ed up Brawler, Knife and Sword's to level that don't give skill bonus anymore. It's easy to take multiple L2 Shoggoth's on me, and kill them, around 10+ of them is ok. But the Burn I got was 38.25PED, TT loot I...
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