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    Toulan Missions video intros

    1st video up kaffash exterminator mission
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    Toulan Missions video intros

    will try and keep a catalog of toulan missions, these videos are for those who are like me and sometimes dont have time to read lol Kaffash exterminator mission
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    Toulan Loot Buy & Transport to Calypso – Save PEDs and Time!

    Made a website to make the spreadsheet more visually appealing and also ppl can now edit their own tt values in it to get a pricing( do note % will change if the market becomes volatile but shouldnt be often) Click the Buying rates on the main post to see the site , will also feature player...
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    VU 24.4 | Elder Instances

    made a small intro video for the elder wave ,
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    Virtualsense Space Travel Program / Sign-Up List

    bambideath deathception durka Apartment owner
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    Toulan Loot Buy & Transport to Calypso – Save PEDs and Time!

    Greetings, Entropians! Do you find yourself sitting on loot piles in Toulan, waiting to amass enough for a warp to Calypso? I’m here to help! while im focusing on making some cool content on toulan for youtube approx 2 months stay time (will not be doing merry mayhem this year) I’m offering...
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    Shoggoth | Mob Level / HP / Loot / Other Data

    Uploaded new video regarding the shoggoth
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    TabTab | Mob Levels / HP / Loot / Other Data

    i figure i would add video/intros to the tabtab here instead of adding my own thread, hope this informs players on the mobs a bit more visually.
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    HI all

    HI all . so im working on a mini series of youtube videos, ideally i want to make a guide/intro to monria and toulan, like the example videos i have made for eu recently, i would like tips of where to go for sweating. collecting resources and fun activities to do. you can use these 2 videos as...
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    elder god suit tutorial

    thank you i hope this motivates others to complete the mission. its a good suit
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    elder god suit tutorial

    Hello all, i have made a tutorial for the elder gods suit, using AI voice ( work in progress) and basic editing skills, i hope this helps those who are interested in completing it for the suit, just make sure you have a team of 5 to start the event
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    bambis expedition, skill for free

    hey all, so its not really a service but more of a fun activity for the f2p low level players, ideally once a week or twice depending on my free time from regular grind, ill be setting up a hunting circle on monria or toulan depending on where majority of players are, the idea is to have the...
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    Toulan item gathering

    No problem appreciate the welcome though 😀
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    Toulan item gathering

    Thank you appreciate the links for information , i was wondering where to catch up on the planets develeopments , much appreciated
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    Toulan item gathering

    Hi everyone , so its been years since ive been on toulan , when vehicles were not allowed and i actually love it here especially the CUHOF instance has potential. So ive come with a decent bankroll to farm items. Now normally id farm them for top MU but if any crafters that are dedicated to...
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