Due my real life work I use the Mothership Service just to fly from Toulan to Monria... anyway the proposed schedule looks very good to me, collect sellable loot from other planets and move it to Calypso is good and the possibility to fly directly from Calypso to Toulan is also great
Fun facts:
Using the televator East from floor 1 to floor 6 in Nahar Tower you end into the large apartment at floor 5: Nice apartment! But... I thought that I was wrong setting 5 instead 6 at televator, but no, second try same result
A little dream came true!
Due my recent HoFs on Thawr I had a nice amount of cash to invest in a shoopkeeper. I placed it in my apartment and now is selling Toulan Textures.
On demend I can craft all Toulan's textures since my related book is full. Feel free to visit my apartment and grab some...
I suggest to reduce of the Evolved Wahesh supreme near the Sandy Shores West outpost, I usually hunt Evolved Wahesh young-old and the dense spawn of supreme make my hunts really hard, I use to fly to one spot kill some smalls and then I have to fly to another spot because I'm not able to reach...
Some days ago I missclicked something and now this is the result, all mobs in my visual have their health bar visible that make the gameplay very bad. Do you know which option have to disable or enable? I tried to play with option panel but can't find the solution
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