Deleting my posts now?
So you don't like what I have to say and you delete my post. Since I have no say here I guess I'll follow suit with Franki and clear my storage to leave this planet. WTS most every toulan Tailoring BP, that is if they ever become craftable again...
Not impressed.
So it actually feels like the tabtab leather drop rates are worse after the patch and now all I get from mining is like 99% lyst like when new planets come out. I just did around 30 drops and every mineral was lysterium even in the pvp area.
tailoring broken...
A lot of your tailoring recipes use large stacks of tabtab leather and in February 2019 they still barely drop from any maturity. Please fix this.... Until it's fixed it's really not worth my time to farm the leathers and I'm not paying the ridiculous mu people want for them...
While manufacturing Liqa Shirt (F,C) it was brought to my attention that this item is bugged. A main portion of the shirt seems to have it's mesh face normals reversed so it's showing as transparent. This may be as easy as flipping the face normals but this often happens to me in Autodesk Maya...
There is a mission where you need to find a list of names on a statue. Great mission and not posting spoilers however the statue where the list is located is poorly hulled for physics. Players often get stuck in the clothing geometry of the model so devs might want to look into re-importing that...
During the color cutting mission you have to go around diffusing 5 different bombs by cutting the correct wire, there's like 7 colors to choose from and if you choose the wrong one you explode and have to start the mission over. While I have completed this mission and I do have the correct...
In the Mission fire stone you collect stones in the volcano and while you do have to collect all of the nodes to get credit you are given 10 stones per node so on completion you have a lot more stones than needed. These give no tt value when sold to the tt.
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