Search results

  1. GeorgeSkywalker

    Mothership schedule suggestion

    Many people using the Monria mothership scheduled service need to take loot to Calypso to sell on the main market there. Currently because the schedule is organised in such a way that Calypso is visited somewhere in the middle of the schedule means anyone wanting to travel to Calypso after it's...
  2. GeorgeSkywalker

    WTB Toulan apartment - Apt Acquired

    I'm interested in buying a Toulan apartment. You can contact me in here or in game. Thanks.
  3. GeorgeSkywalker

    Toulan apartment price check

    What is the current price range for an apartment on Toulan?
  4. GeorgeSkywalker

    WTB apartment on Monria - Apt Bought on Toulan

    I'm interested in buying an apartment on Monria. If you have one for sale you can pm here or in game. Thanks.
  5. GeorgeSkywalker

    Monria Apartment price check

    What is the current price range for an apartment on Monria? Are all apartments same size or different sizes?
  6. GeorgeSkywalker

    Barriers/obstacles to team work in Dynamic Events e.g. The Pyramid of Shut'thend

    This thread is about feedback on dynamic events for dev's. My aim is to raise some concerns that are important to players but I feel may have been overlooked by dev's or not given enough weighting. I can see some reasons why dev's may want to focus on or promote teamwork. I'm going to look at...
  7. GeorgeSkywalker

    New upgrade-able armour plates

    This could go in Monria and Toulan suggestion as well as the location for it isn't so important. The suggestion is to have an upgradeable armour plate perhaps called DSEC plates? The name is not so important as the stats for the plates. The stats should be protection for Acid, Cold, Electric...
  8. GeorgeSkywalker

    Eid Mubarak

    Eid Mubarak !
  9. GeorgeSkywalker

    Arabian Nights stories

    Two questions. 1) Which Arabian Nights translation in English is the most comprehensive? i.e. contains all the stories. I might be wrong but the translation I read by Andrew Lang may not contain all the stories. Is the most comprehensive one this (note link is vol 1 only)...
  10. GeorgeSkywalker

    Square block at central tp has one side missing

    The square block on the grass located at arrivals area has one edge missing. The front side has a gear/turning wheel on it. (again unable to upload pic to illustrate) edit:
  11. GeorgeSkywalker

    creature names above mobs too high

    Names of creatures are displayed too high e.g. tabtab I'm not sure how to upload images here to show the problem...
  12. GeorgeSkywalker

    uploading images to forum

    Is it possible to upload images on this forum? if so how?
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