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  1. Fatteus Fatty Thorsson

    It's That time again! The Monria St. Patty's Day FIST-ival!

    Are ye' feelin' a wee bit tipsy? Want to throw down? Well, ye' came to the right place, laddie! Monday, March 17th from 0:00 Server to 4:00 Server, we are meeting by the Military HQ TP, dispursing free FIST WEAPONS, and going down to punch the lights out of some Leprechauns for free skills...
  2. Fatteus Fatty Thorsson

    The 3rd Annual HalloWAVE event at the Mountain of Madness!

    Spoopy Season is Upon us once more! Do you have your Elder God's Suit and Shub Spines yet? Maybe you're Disciple doesn't? Well do I have a TREAT for you! This Halloween, come to Monria's DESEC-9 for the multiple wave spawn events! We will need all participants to have the TPs, which we will...
  3. Fatteus Fatty Thorsson

    Announcing Fatty's Second Annual Charity birthday Stream 2024

    Last year, we had a Birthday Stream that lasted all day and raised money for The Liberty Centre and it went well, but this year we’re bigger and badder than ever, so we’re going to try it all again. This time we are raising money for Parent to Parent Network Inc. Read up on them here →...
  4. Fatteus Fatty Thorsson

    The St. Patrick's Day Fist-ival of '24!!!

    It's ALMOST that time again! Time to grease those knuckles and lay out some blokes on the most Irish day of the year! Monria has their event up until 23:59 Server on the 17th. Think of this event as the AFTER PARTY! This year we bring back the Giveaways and the Irish Pub Music as well as adding...
  5. Fatteus Fatty Thorsson

    Second Annual Halloween Event Wave Hunt - MC Fatty Prophet

    There's a chill in the air. You hear the Dunwich Horror Cackling. The moon has turned red like blood. Halloween is coming, and with it, the Fat Prophet. This will be the second annual occurrence of my very special Halloween day stream. We'll be on Monria and DSEC-9 the 31st of October between...
  6. Fatteus Fatty Thorsson

    Announcing My First Charity Stream! HYPE!

    That's right, folks. With DME's blessing, I'd like to announce my first ever charity stream. The date will be Saturday, May 13th. The start time will be 17:00 server time (around noon for me in Central time) and will be going until 4:00 server time. I will be doing a GRAND TOUR of all of...
  7. Fatteus Fatty Thorsson

    I'd like to post about a charity stream...

    I’d like to post about a charity stream coming up, in which I will be visiting multiple different worlds, including Monria and Toulan, and will end on Calypso so I can get picked up for my maiden flight with the Kronan. I wanted to get permission first, since it is not strictly related to just...
  8. Fatteus Fatty Thorsson

    St. Patrick's Day FIST-ival! Posting really early to get the word out!

    If there's one thing I hold near and dear to me, it's my Irish heritage. So, I'm always looking for ways to make Saint Patty's day special. And what says St. Pats much more than an all-out drunken brawl? That's right! It's a type of event that I've been talking about in my streams for months. A...
  9. Fatteus Fatty Thorsson

    Halloween DSEC-9 Wave Event Bonanza!

    Hello, everyone! It's your friendly, neighborhood Fatty and boy do I have an announcement for you! This Halloween, Monday the 31st of October, we will be holding a special event at DSEC-9! We will start the night by getting people acquainted with the area of DSEC-9. At 20:00 Server time, we...
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