
Ignorant Netvalar here to spend time on the moon could be a year could be a decade most definitely won't be a century.

Been to the tropics of the rocks landed on the Island (bored quickly and left) Never did travel to the past what a shame. Just realized I missed Cy in my travels through space wonder how I did that.

Been a member of 2 different Soc's but my play style is not well suited for that. I will play and be active for a few weeks then slowly fade away for months at a time (just long enough for people to forget who I am). While suddenly being active once more for short spurts of time.

Tried out mining, done a bit of hunting played an instance or 3 maybe more. Joined a team here and there for fun, though for some reason I enjoy crafting so much more.
Dec 27, 1969 (Age: 55)



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