Recent content by GeorgeSkywalker

  1. GeorgeSkywalker

    Mothership schedule suggestion

    They may have placed Calypso near the middle to allow travellers to take loot from Calypso to some popular destinations e.g. Cyrene, Next Island. If Calypso is moved near the end then won't be able to take loot from Calypso to those places. Most people don't need to take loot from Calypso...
  2. GeorgeSkywalker

    Mothership schedule suggestion

    Many people using the Monria mothership scheduled service need to take loot to Calypso to sell on the main market there. Currently because the schedule is organised in such a way that Calypso is visited somewhere in the middle of the schedule means anyone wanting to travel to Calypso after it's...
  3. GeorgeSkywalker

    Toulan Monthly Event | Fri, Dec 15th - Sun, Dec 17th | Now What?

    She will give us a call :onair We will invite her for tea and everything will be sorted out over a nice cup of tea and biscuits and everyone live happily ever after... Surely you mean Thursday, Dec 14th and Monday, Dec 18th
  4. GeorgeSkywalker

    Toulan Monthly Event | Fri, Nov 24th - Sun, Nov 26th | Something's Brewing

    Seems to me Decca will offer a carrot to entice us to do her bidding. A carrot in the form of certain dsec9 estate deeds (apartments/houses perhaps even shops). Which we'll all jump on and hence help Decca with her evil plans in some way? Sounds plausible...
  5. GeorgeSkywalker

    Cuhof change

    I think you misunderstand how simple it is to do because there is no coding change required or coordination or permission from MA. There are instances where the mobs in the instance are normal mobs i.e. you kill them and get skills as you kill them and loot when you kill them. For example the...
  6. GeorgeSkywalker

    The Order of the Elder Gods | 4 Chapters Mission

    If it's not working for you perhaps an idea to change something. Try some different strategy...
  7. GeorgeSkywalker

    Cuhof change

    Interesting you mention returns in instances. It's been shown TT returns are bad in instances where you loot chests and are best avoided for that reason. See this link for more details: The Ped Trap That are Instances (Rehashed Story)
  8. GeorgeSkywalker

    Virtualsense Space Travel Program / Sign-Up List

    George Ace Skywalker Apartment owner Nahar Towers, Apartment M (S) - Floor 5
  9. GeorgeSkywalker

    WTB apartment on Monria - Apt Bought on Toulan

    Apartment bought on Toulan. Thread can be closed
  10. GeorgeSkywalker

    WTB Toulan apartment - Apt Acquired

    Apartment bought Thread can be closed
  11. GeorgeSkywalker

    WTB Toulan apartment - Apt Acquired

    I'm interested in buying a Toulan apartment. You can contact me in here or in game. Thanks.
  12. GeorgeSkywalker

    Toulan apartment price check

    What is the current price range for an apartment on Toulan?
  13. GeorgeSkywalker

    WTB apartment on Monria - Apt Bought on Toulan

    I'm interested in buying an apartment on Monria. If you have one for sale you can pm here or in game. Thanks.
  14. GeorgeSkywalker

    Monria Apartment price check

    What is the current price range for an apartment on Monria? Are all apartments same size or different sizes?
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