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Here are the steps that a Toulan Born would experience while doing the beginner mission chain that are for Toulan Born and Monrian Born only. This mission chain was condensed into 20 steps based on how the mission chain was designed.
The only mission available for all to do is Ahlan's Wedding Ring where you get Ahlan's Old Vehicle. Ahlan is located at the Citadel at the base of the steps down from the TP.
When you create your avatar on Toulan (following these instructions), you leave the start room and have the tag Toulan_Player which allows you to receive the MK1 on arrival at Toulan and makes you eligible for the Toulan Born Beginner Missions.
If you copy a waypoint (including the /wp in front of it) and place it in a chat box and click enter, it should put an actual waypoint on your map.
Also, mission items cannot be looted in a team, so remember not to team with your Mentor if you have one.
Step 1
Salam (Welcome to Toulan)
-- this is the NPC at the Citadel by the platform down around the corner from the main area
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 132665, 94190, 271, Waypoint]
-- he then sends you to ...
Step 2
Bilal (First contact)
-- this NPC is also located at the Citadel in the main area at the base of the steps down from the TP on the right

-- you get the Toulan Born shirt at this point
-- but only if you are Toulan Born - Monrian Born doing this mission chain will not get the shirt

-- also, you get warned that if you put the Toulan Born shirt on, your jumpsuit will be removed
----- and you won't be able to put it on again, so you'll be without pants until ...
----- you do the "Where's My Pants" mission from Nadira at Guardian Village - /wp [Planet Toulan, 133926, 93202, 107, Waypoint]
----- which you can do once you get there in this mission chain and not have to wait until all 20 steps are completed
----- you give 1k sweat to Nadira and then she gives you a riddle to solve, but it's a bit of a challenge for new players because they are not familiar with our mobs or locations, so here is what you do ...
----- go out the Guardian Village West Gate and head toward the Dam ... avoid the TabTab mobs
----- once you get to the Dam, go behind the first waterfall to the second waterfall and go behind the second waterfall
----- there is a Clothes Trunk behind the second waterfall and that's where you get either your Toulan Born or Monrian Born pants

-- the mission from Bilal asks you to kill 5 TabTab and 5 Sunjoq
-- the reward is the Salafa Beginner Weapon and 70 PEC ammo
-- he sends you to see Ahlan to help him find her wedding ring
Step 3
Ahlan (Ahlan's wedding ring)
-- this NPC is also located at the Citadel in the main area at the base of the steps down from the TP on the left
-- the mission is to find Ahlan's Wedding Ring
-- you don't have to pick it up or interact with it, just swim down to it and the mission should update

-- the reward is Ahlan's Old Vehicle
-- when you return to Bilal, he will send you to ...
Step 4
Masoud (Masoud's Qaffaz problem)
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 133502, 93765, 186, Waypoint]
-- the mission is to hunt 5 Qaffaz -- just down the road from Masoud
-- the reward is 3 PEC Aim and 50 PEC Ammo
-- he will then send you to meet ...
Step 5
Imran (Greeting from Imran)
-- this NPC is located just outside the East Gate of Guardian Village
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 134043, 93244, 107, Waypoint]
-- after your greeting with Imran, he will direct you to ...
Step 6
Bahar (Learning to Mine)
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 133975, 93229, 107, Waypoint]
-- you will receive a Sabad Finder and ARD_Excavator, and 1 PED of Probes
-- you are instructed to drop 5 probes and then return to Bahar
-- the reward is 2 PEC mining skills
-- you are then sent to ...
Step 7
Faiza (Meet Faiza)
Please read bug report post before continuing with this portion of the mission chain.
We also added an option to skip finding TabTab teeth in the Learning To Craft portion should you get stuck.
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 133953, 93231, 107, Waypoint]
-- you are instructed to hunt TabTab to acquire 20 TabTab Tooth
The Puny TabTab are located here -- > /wp [Planet Toulan, 135801, 94366, 125, Waypoint] -- down the hill from Snow Mountain TP
The group of TabTabs outside the East Gate at Guardian Village is here --> /wp [Planet Toulan, 134278, 93050, 104, Waypoint]
-- when you return to the NPC, you are then asked to ...
-- Craft (Attempting to Craft)
-- you are given a blueprint (BP) with 2 attempts to craft a Mawlood Harness
-- the reward is 2 PEC Engineering
-- you are then sent to ...
Step 8
Gadanfar (The Problem of Harban)
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 133951, 93243, 109, Waypoint] -- he's across from Faiza
-- you are sent on a mission to find the guards -- there are 5 Check Points designated on your Radar
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 133939, 92311, 113, Waypoint]
-- you need to find Harban who sends you back to the guards to tell them he's gone
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 133951, 92554, 134, Waypoint]
-- you then return to ...
Step 9
Harban (Wahesh Eggs)
-- you are sent to find a number of Wahesh Eggs with markings on them

-- there are 10 Wahesh Eggs listed and markers placed on your radar
----- but some will not have markings on them and noted that they are intact, so those won't be checked off on your list
-- the reward is a Salafa Beginner Weapon and 1 PED Ammo
-- you are sent back to Harban and receive ...
Step 10
Harban (Caboria clams)
-- you are sent to collect 4 Caboria clams
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 133567, 93528, 101, Waypoint]
-- the reward is 1 PEC Aim
-- you are sent back to Harban to receive ...
Step 11
Harban (The Burj)
-- you are sent to the Burj to see the ancient writings
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 133263, 92760, 191, Waypoint]
-- you are sent back to Harban to receive ...
Step 12
Harban (Help Harban Disappear)
-- you are sent to Gadanfar with Harban's medallion

-- Gadanfar believes Harban is dead when he sees the medallion proof
Step 13
Gadanfar (Hakim's Strange Mumblings)
-- you are instructed to steer clear of Hakim who alludes to a city in the mountains
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 133940, 93263, 115, Waypoint]
-- then tells you not to go, but you do and you meet ...
Step 14
Qais (Qais Needs Ingredients)
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 134286, 93673, 122, Waypoint]
-- Qais needs 4 Cheefa Herbs -- the locations are marked on your radar
-- the reward is a Fanoos Medical V1
-- you are then sent to his friend ...
Step 15
Kareem (More Hunting)
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 134618, 94322, 131, Waypoint]
-- you are given a Carbine_Sahra_T-101 and 50 PEC Ammo
-- (Impress Kareem) your mission is to hunt 2 Dahhar
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 134364, 94431, 183, Waypoint]
-- the reward is 1 PEC Weapons Handling
-- you are then sent to meet ...
Step 16
Marah (Moving Statues)
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 134334, 95094, 210, Waypoint]
-- you are sent out to find 4 warrior statues lost in the lake
-- here are the waypoints for all 4 of the Warrior Statue locations
-- I removed the numbering because I couldn't verify which Warrior Statue was numbered what, I can't do the mission
-- Warrior Statue -- /wp [Planet Toulan, 133126, 93733, 167, Waypoint]
-- Warrior Statue -- /wp [Planet Toulan, 132477, 95669, 101, Waypoint]
-- Warrior Statue -- /wp [Planet Toulan, 133694, 95065, 167, Waypoint]
-- Warrior Statue -- /wp [Planet Toulan, 133694, 94936, 167, Waypoint]
-- the reward is 1 PEC Anatomy
-- you are then sent to meet with her sister
Step 17
Rehana (Marah's Sister Rehana)
-- Rehana is not happy
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 134560, 96087, 372, Waypoint]
-- she asks you to find a list of names of the fallen warriors
-- this is a difficult challenge because the list of names are on the knee of one of the statues just North of Rehana
-- some use a small flying vehicle to get close and jump off on the knee
-- others are able to land behind the statue and climb up on the shoulder and jump down to the list of names
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 134577, 96215, 344, Waypoint]
-- the reward is 1 PEC Combat Reflexes
Step 18
Rehana (Leave Snow Mountain)
-- you are instructed to stay away from the giant statues
-- you move towards them anyway, knowing there is some secret
-- you are then sent to Labiba ...
Step 19
Labiba (Labiba Makes You Sweat)
-- Labiba is located in Nahar City down the road from the TP where the NawaCore Agent is also located
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 134540, 96460, 274, Waypoint]
-- she shows you the importance of sweating
-- you are instructed to collect 200 Sweat
-- the reward is a Fanoos Medical V1 heal tool
-- this ends the Toulan Born Beginners Mission Chain, and Labiba sends you to ...
Step 20
Senan ... missions from this point are available to everyone.
-- /wp [Planet Toulan, 134488, 96470, 273, Waypoint]
The only mission available for all to do is Ahlan's Wedding Ring where you get Ahlan's Old Vehicle. Ahlan is located at the Citadel at the base of the steps down from the TP.
When you create your avatar on Toulan (following these instructions), you leave the start room and have the tag Toulan_Player which allows you to receive the MK1 on arrival at Toulan and makes you eligible for the Toulan Born Beginner Missions.
If you copy a waypoint (including the /wp in front of it) and place it in a chat box and click enter, it should put an actual waypoint on your map.
Also, mission items cannot be looted in a team, so remember not to team with your Mentor if you have one.
Step 1
Salam (Welcome to Toulan)
-- this is the NPC at the Citadel by the platform down around the corner from the main area

-- he then sends you to ...
Step 2
Bilal (First contact)
-- this NPC is also located at the Citadel in the main area at the base of the steps down from the TP on the right

-- you get the Toulan Born shirt at this point
-- but only if you are Toulan Born - Monrian Born doing this mission chain will not get the shirt

-- also, you get warned that if you put the Toulan Born shirt on, your jumpsuit will be removed
----- and you won't be able to put it on again, so you'll be without pants until ...
----- you do the "Where's My Pants" mission from Nadira at Guardian Village - /wp [Planet Toulan, 133926, 93202, 107, Waypoint]
----- which you can do once you get there in this mission chain and not have to wait until all 20 steps are completed
----- you give 1k sweat to Nadira and then she gives you a riddle to solve, but it's a bit of a challenge for new players because they are not familiar with our mobs or locations, so here is what you do ...
----- go out the Guardian Village West Gate and head toward the Dam ... avoid the TabTab mobs
----- once you get to the Dam, go behind the first waterfall to the second waterfall and go behind the second waterfall
----- there is a Clothes Trunk behind the second waterfall and that's where you get either your Toulan Born or Monrian Born pants

-- the mission from Bilal asks you to kill 5 TabTab and 5 Sunjoq
-- the reward is the Salafa Beginner Weapon and 70 PEC ammo
-- he sends you to see Ahlan to help him find her wedding ring
Step 3
Ahlan (Ahlan's wedding ring)
-- this NPC is also located at the Citadel in the main area at the base of the steps down from the TP on the left
-- the mission is to find Ahlan's Wedding Ring
-- you don't have to pick it up or interact with it, just swim down to it and the mission should update

-- the reward is Ahlan's Old Vehicle
-- when you return to Bilal, he will send you to ...
Step 4
Masoud (Masoud's Qaffaz problem)

-- the mission is to hunt 5 Qaffaz -- just down the road from Masoud
-- the reward is 3 PEC Aim and 50 PEC Ammo
-- he will then send you to meet ...
Step 5
Imran (Greeting from Imran)
-- this NPC is located just outside the East Gate of Guardian Village

-- after your greeting with Imran, he will direct you to ...
Step 6
Bahar (Learning to Mine)

-- you will receive a Sabad Finder and ARD_Excavator, and 1 PED of Probes
-- you are instructed to drop 5 probes and then return to Bahar
-- the reward is 2 PEC mining skills
-- you are then sent to ...
Step 7
Faiza (Meet Faiza)
Please read bug report post before continuing with this portion of the mission chain.
We also added an option to skip finding TabTab teeth in the Learning To Craft portion should you get stuck.

-- you are instructed to hunt TabTab to acquire 20 TabTab Tooth
The Puny TabTab are located here -- > /wp [Planet Toulan, 135801, 94366, 125, Waypoint] -- down the hill from Snow Mountain TP
The group of TabTabs outside the East Gate at Guardian Village is here --> /wp [Planet Toulan, 134278, 93050, 104, Waypoint]
-- when you return to the NPC, you are then asked to ...
-- Craft (Attempting to Craft)
-- you are given a blueprint (BP) with 2 attempts to craft a Mawlood Harness
-- the reward is 2 PEC Engineering
-- you are then sent to ...
Step 8
Gadanfar (The Problem of Harban)

-- you are sent on a mission to find the guards -- there are 5 Check Points designated on your Radar

-- you need to find Harban who sends you back to the guards to tell them he's gone

-- you then return to ...
Step 9
Harban (Wahesh Eggs)
-- you are sent to find a number of Wahesh Eggs with markings on them

-- there are 10 Wahesh Eggs listed and markers placed on your radar
----- but some will not have markings on them and noted that they are intact, so those won't be checked off on your list
-- the reward is a Salafa Beginner Weapon and 1 PED Ammo
-- you are sent back to Harban and receive ...
Step 10
Harban (Caboria clams)
-- you are sent to collect 4 Caboria clams

-- the reward is 1 PEC Aim
-- you are sent back to Harban to receive ...
Step 11
Harban (The Burj)
-- you are sent to the Burj to see the ancient writings

-- you are sent back to Harban to receive ...
Step 12
Harban (Help Harban Disappear)
-- you are sent to Gadanfar with Harban's medallion

-- Gadanfar believes Harban is dead when he sees the medallion proof
Step 13
Gadanfar (Hakim's Strange Mumblings)
-- you are instructed to steer clear of Hakim who alludes to a city in the mountains

-- then tells you not to go, but you do and you meet ...
Step 14
Qais (Qais Needs Ingredients)

-- Qais needs 4 Cheefa Herbs -- the locations are marked on your radar
-- the reward is a Fanoos Medical V1
-- you are then sent to his friend ...
Step 15
Kareem (More Hunting)

-- you are given a Carbine_Sahra_T-101 and 50 PEC Ammo
-- (Impress Kareem) your mission is to hunt 2 Dahhar

-- the reward is 1 PEC Weapons Handling
-- you are then sent to meet ...
Step 16
Marah (Moving Statues)

-- you are sent out to find 4 warrior statues lost in the lake
-- here are the waypoints for all 4 of the Warrior Statue locations
-- I removed the numbering because I couldn't verify which Warrior Statue was numbered what, I can't do the mission

-- the reward is 1 PEC Anatomy
-- you are then sent to meet with her sister
Step 17
Rehana (Marah's Sister Rehana)
-- Rehana is not happy

-- she asks you to find a list of names of the fallen warriors
-- this is a difficult challenge because the list of names are on the knee of one of the statues just North of Rehana
-- some use a small flying vehicle to get close and jump off on the knee
-- others are able to land behind the statue and climb up on the shoulder and jump down to the list of names

-- the reward is 1 PEC Combat Reflexes
Step 18
Rehana (Leave Snow Mountain)
-- you are instructed to stay away from the giant statues
-- you move towards them anyway, knowing there is some secret
-- you are then sent to Labiba ...
Step 19
Labiba (Labiba Makes You Sweat)
-- Labiba is located in Nahar City down the road from the TP where the NawaCore Agent is also located

-- she shows you the importance of sweating
-- you are instructed to collect 200 Sweat
-- the reward is a Fanoos Medical V1 heal tool
-- this ends the Toulan Born Beginners Mission Chain, and Labiba sends you to ...
Step 20
Senan ... missions from this point are available to everyone.