Time at Forum is not the same time as ingame (+1h). I posted 15 mins before the event started

Please consider my guess.
It was just confirmed to me by Ant that when I am logged into the forum, it shows the local time on my computer, and I am -4 game time. Obviously I can't change my computer time to game time because that would mess some things up for me, so going forward, I will set an alarm on my phone for 8pm my time (exactly), which is 00:00 game time right now at -4, to post that no more guess posts will count. When the clocks change soon, I will be -5 during the Winter term and I will make the adjustment.
However, unless I'm missing something, in looking at your post time, according to my time at -4 game time, your post shows 8:47pm my time (see below), which is actually 00:47 game time, so the post would still be disqualified.
I was actually late doing my post to indicate that guessing the total globals/hofs was closed. That's because the event was already in progress and I was managing the activities and forgot the time.
Here is my closing post to show that time as well ...