VU 24.4 | Elder Instances
Galactica Elder Mission
- Unlocks when Disciple of the Elder Gods is completed
- Repeatable Mission
- Kill Thawr (Marauder, Slayer and Queen) on Planet Toulan
- Kill Otis (All Levels) on DSEC9
- Reward: Mission Galactica Coin (Elder) – Tradeable
- This coin can be used to upgrade the Modified Restoration Chip as part of the new stage of the Galactica Mission Chain.

Weekly Elder Missions
Elder Solo Instances
- Free to Enter Instance with creature spawns to support the weekly Missions
- Accessible via the ‘Symbol’ on the outside at the back of the Church
- Elder Thawr Instance (Marauder, Slayer & Queen maturities) accessible from Planet Toulan Church
- /wp [Planet Toulan, 137269, 92209, 119, Waypoint]
- Elder Otis Instance (Level 01-09) accessible from DSEC9/MoM Church
- /wp [DSEC9, 38080, 23954, 105, Waypoint]

Elder Dynamic Wave Instances
- Free to Enter Instance with creature spawns to support the weekly Missions
- Accessible via the ‘Symbol’ on the outside at the back of the Church
- The instance is initiated once the first person enters
- The instance will continue until the last player leaves
- Featuring some of the creatures at different maturities needed for the Elder Missions
- Planet Toulan (TabTab, Dahhar, Mokhat, Qaffaz, Duhol)
- DSEC9 (Shogghols, DSEC Bot CB, DSEC Fury, Zokaraneus, Cult of Shut’thend)

Festive Gifts
- Receive 5 x Green Buff Cracker | Speak to Valeria on DSEC9 at the main TP to receive your gift
- Receive 5 x Red Buff Cracker | Speak to Thana on Planet Toulan at the Info Desk at the Citadel to receive your gift

Harvesting on DSEC9
- Altered the Locations of Trees, added more to Larches Green
- Added I’m Just a Simple Wood Cutter mission to Larches Green
- Collect 1000 Wood Shavings and receive 1.5 PED Universal Ammo
- Find ‘A Stranger in the Clearing’ for more information
- Added Sunjoq Young to Sweat Island
- Added option to skip finding TabTab teeth in Learning To Craft mission (Part of New Player Mission Chain).
- Lowered the reload speed for Elder Seeker Finders. The Elder Tribute Trader will now be stocked with Seekers
- Leveled Terrain by Pit North