New Content :
. New Toulan Fauna & Flora Center
Introducing the new Toulan Fauna & Flora Center, located on an island in the North Sea.
Where Nahar scientists are conducting research on creatures from both Toulan and from around the universe.
The Lab buildings contains access for the Mobs, currently there are 3 Lab buildings for the following creatures
Each Mob has 5 Maturity combinations, that teleports you into a dedicated (instance) island filled with that Mob.
For Solo access, please speak with the NPC Agent of that Mob
For Team access, please use the portals for each Mob
Nawa Energy Core, act as keys to access the Mob islands, the higher the difficulty (maturity level) the more Nawa Energy Cores are required.
A New Teleporter is added at Toulan Fauna & Flora Center
. Known Issues With Fauna & Flora Center:
. The Center currently in testing mode, more organized Labs with more creatures are coming soon with next week patch.
. There are spelling mistakes at Lab signs.
. The island where the Center is, does not show up on the Map.
. New Mission Terminal

Daily missions are now accessed through the new Mission Terminals, instead of NPCs scattered around the planet.
The Daily Missions you unlock are tied to your Nawacore MK Level, the higher your Nawacore the more Daily Missions will be listed for you on the Mission Terminal.
Mission Terminals are located all around the planet.
. New Nawacore MK3
The Nawacore Agent standing at Nahar City entrance gate area, now has Nawacore MK3 Mission.
. Changes :

. The models of the following items have been changed
Nawa Shard
Nawa Fragment
Nawa Energy Core
. The models for the “Nawacore Parts” have been changed, and are now the same color of corresponding Full Nawacore.
. NPC Ahlan, standing at the Citadel, now has the mission for New Player Experience Vehicle accessible to anyone with a Nawacore MK1, Speak to NPC Bilal and he’ll activate the mission.
. Fixes :
. Various visual fixes, terrain and textures have been corrected.
. Fixed the icons in the inventory for some items, no longer appear as a red X.
. Fixed mission “Nahar Outfit Stage 3” , no longer an error appears.
Codex Status :
The Codex has not been implemented yet on Toulan, all Quwa Challenges remain the same, we’ll make sure we announce ahead of time when the Codex will be applied on Toulan and how it will work in the future, to prevent any issues with ongoing Quwa Challenge Missions.