Home » Planet Toulan » Planet Toulan Release Notes 19.1.1

Planet Toulan Release Notes 19.1.1 | Virtualsense


Planet Toulan Release Notes 19.1.1


. All Toulan mobs are now fully compatible with the new interactive and auto aim system.

. All teleporters claim radius (for new players) have been increased to make sure they are claimed, regardless of walking inside the teleporter or not.

. The latest release issues have been fixed, including missions (Cold Cuts Research) (Nahar Outfit Stage 3) which now have the new objectives corrected.

. Mobs spawns, across the planet, are now more consistent, with less mixed mobs, and more mobs of the same level appearing together.

. CUHOF exit spawn points are now fixed to prevent getting stuck in door.

. The wooden bridge by Al-Hawa Lake where NPC Azraq stands, is now corrected to normal scale size.

Known Issues:

. Karmoosh Lateef Pet, buff is still pending but scheduled to be addressed in an upcoming patch.

. Loot mobs parts adjustments are still taking place and are addressed with top priority.

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